
DPX from BioVaxys said about the wash and emulsion base Antigen Abgabe Systems an excessive functioning of the immune system

DPX from BioVaxys said about the wash and emulsion base Antigen Abgabe Systems an excessive functioning of the immune system

Vancouver, BC (ots/PRNewswire) –

Die Ergebnisse der Studie position das Unternehmen als Zielgruppe für Segmente des über 270 Million. USD schweren Markets for Arzneimittelverabreichungssysteme 1

VANCOUVER, BC, October 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ – BioVaxys Technology Corp. (CSE: BIOV) (FRA: 5LB) (OTCQB: BVAXF) (“BioVaxys” oder das “Unternehmen”) has investigated how this happens. ) recruits and activates an immunogenicity of antigens, and in comparison with washing and emulsion-based antigen diversification systems, an immune-active effect.

These credit substances depend on the serious consequences of tumors of the anhaltenden antigen APCs, which active potent, antigen-specific zytotoxic T-Zellen. Such methods of processing peptides with a wax-based formula, which contains an exhibition of peptides that are immune, or oil-in-wax emulsions, which show a longer peptide exposure, can cause dysfunction of the syndromes. This is based on the fact that both the DPX technology of BioVaxys and the lipid-in-immunotherapy therapeutic development platform are used, both of which are exposed to the DPX components in activer The process is that the APCs have been stumbling lately.

In a study at Dalhousie University of Halifax, Nova Scotia, DPX works with wash and emulsion based formulations, dynamic recruitment of immune cells and injection systems, antigen digestion and transport through the immune system. The immunotherapy and the antigen aufnahme and the injection system work with the Hilfe of the Multi-Parameter-Durchflusszytometry and the confocals Microscopy under the Verwendung of Modell-Peptidantigens, the Mäusen are varied, bewertet. Antigen-specific immunotherapy can be measured with an interferon-gamma (IFN-\u03b3)-based ELISpot-Test (Enzyme-Linked Immunospot), an IFN-\u03b3 messenger, which plays a separate role in the active functioning of the immune system. The ELISpot assay is an efficient method for the analysis of the Zellen, which occurs in response to an antigen-cytokine or antibody production.

“BioVaxys is one of the leading companies in the landscape of medical treatment”, said James Passin, CEO of BioVaxys, “These business studies are based on a strategic position in a specific segment of the multi-billion dollar market for medical treatment. DPX is no longer that important. Lösungen zur Antigenspreading, one of the most important features of immunoactive properties, was an unacceptable potential in several market segments.’

The inconvenience of the study, the many forms that were in the low, lymphozytes and the injection system zurückzuhalten and did not follow any IFN-\u03b3-ELISpot-Reaktion auslösten. Thus, if DPX used the oil emulsion in the recruitment of APCs and the injection stelle and the active antigen-specific immunological überlegen, it would have a significant influence on the immunofiltration test two days after the DPX injection. An important significance of the DPX and oil file is that the antigen presentation is carried out by the DPX platform with an active action of more critical markers of T-Zell subsets as the emulsion. One of the most important and widely used things is the recruitment and action of the T-Zell group during the DPX war, which was antigenic as a force in the DPX war, but the DPX had all the immune system activating properties.

Kenneth Kovan, President and Chief Operating Officer at BioVaxys, says: “Knew that DPX is in the base of emulsions and proper formulas, which are one of the injectable verbs used in most of the world. This ergebnisse has the quantitative, qualitative and zeitlichen Unterschiede in the recruitment of immunization by DPX and expanding the operation of the character of the DPX platform through the operation of the T-Zell subset with an intrinsically higher power for the display, presentation and operation Antigen.”

BioVaxys plant, available this month, see more details about the individual properties of DPX.

1 Drug Delivery Devices Market Size, Share and Trend Analysis Report by Application (Oncology, Infectious Diseases), by Route of Administration (Oral, Transdermal, Injectable), by End Use, by Region and Segment Forecasts, 2024 – 2030, Grand View Research

Information about BioVaxys Technology Corp.

BioVaxys Technology Corp. ( is a biopharmaceutical drug in the clinical stage, which means that patients with new immunotherapies base their DPX immunity technology platform and their HapTenix©-“Neoantigen”-Tumorzellkonstrukt-Plattform, a Krebserkrankungen, Infektionskrankheiten, Antigen-Desensibilisierung in case of skin allergies and other immunological diseases. During a different mechanism, the DPX platform is better able to support the immune system, a dedicated, robust and maintained immune system to heal. The Clinical Pipeline of the Unternehmens is equipped with Maveropepimut-S (MVP-S), based on the DPX platform and in Phase IIB of clinical development for the enhanced relapsed-refractory diffuse large B-Zell-Lymphoma (DLBCL) and platinum-resistant Eierstockkrebs is located. MVP-S loves antigenic Peptide from Survivin, a general known Krebsantigen, the enhanced Krebserkrankungen have an expressive effect, and a gentle effect on an activated immune system and a universe of CD4-T-Zell-Helfer-Peptid. MVP-S could extend and the more credit indications can have a clinically defined effect, so that active treatment can be carried out and a survival-specific anti-tumor immune virus can be applied. BioVaxys works with DPX+SurMAGE, a dual soul-oriented immunotherapy, the antigen peptide for the Krebs protein Survivin and the MAGE-A9 combination, an immune system for both these non-protective antigens, DPX-RSV for the Respiratory Syncytial Virus, DPX+rPA for the prophyria lax von There are allergies and BVX-0918, a customizable immunotherapeutic impfstoff, of the reinforced HapTenix© “Neoantigen” tumor self-construction platform for refractiven Eierstockkrebs in Spätstadium nutzt. The BioVaxys pedigree has become one of the CSEs traded under the BIOV symbol and became one of the Frankfurter Börse (FRA: 5LB) and in the US (OTCQB: BVAXF). More information can be found at and on X and LinkedIn.


Caption “James Passin”

James Passin, CEO

Phone: +740 358 0555

Email: [email protected]

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This press conference has included the best “zukunftsgerichtte information” and “zukunftsgerichttete Aussagen” (zusammenfassend “zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen”) in the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, with Ausnahme of old historical tatsachen, which have their own fault, which have such a business or financial guidance of the human beings, his/her health-related goals. Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen since häufig, aber nicht immer, an Worten wie “erwartet”, “antizipiert”, “glaubt”, “beabsichtigt”, “schätzt”, “potenziell”, “möglich” and ähnlichen Ausdrücken zu acknowledge, or an Aussagen, thats Ereignisse, Bedingungen or Ergebnisse “eintreten wonen”, “können”, “könnten” or “solllten”. It cannot be guaranteed that it will be a problem if it is removed, and that the physical and mental health benefits could be removed from the defects, which were removed or implied in such cases.

These targeted solutions reflect the overviews, measurements and predictions of the tag more broadly, and the expansion is carried out and based on a reihe of Annahmen and Schätzungen, for all Annahme, that BioVaxys at the Entwicklung and Erprobung of Impfstoffen foutolgreich wird wird. These Annahmen und Schätzungen were vom Unternehmen zwar as vernünftig erachtetet, onderliegen aber naturgemäß erheblichen geschäftlichen, economics, legal provisions, political and social Unsicherheiten and Unwägbarkeiten, darunter voor allem, aber nicht ausschließlich, dem Risiko, that’s it is impossible to use the BioVaxys Impfstoffe use and/or the inherited orderlichen behördlichen Genehmungen erhalten not. When using the BioVaxys product there is a risk that the biotechnological products of the Entwicklung are interesting. If you use another doctor or a sister tslichem-capital for clinical financing studies, the fehlende treatment of external medicine, with long products, complex and lengthy processes of clinical studies and new medical care, for the market-based hereditary order , Over the years the autologous Zellimpfstoff-Immuntherapie was developed in such a way that it would be possible to produce the same products and die if the disease occurred, because the purchasing material products would be rented out by the industry, such as the sale, the sale, the holiday ssheiten and Komplikatie, with the biopharmaceutical solutions in the typical development phase of the financing, financing and treatment of alveoli in the light of the Lizenzvereinbarungen, a right and a product and technology for the development and the new geistiger singularity of the Schutz and the Vermeidung von Verletzungen by Dritte sowie my Abhangigkeit von der Herstellung durch Dritte.

If there is no representation whatsoever, the targeted spend, the analysis, the forecasts or other factors that are done will be such that these things happen, that is the way they are done.

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