
Mumme-Meile starts heute – Angebote and Öffnungszeiten

Mumme-Meile starts heute – Angebote and Öffnungszeiten

The Braunschweiger-mamme was, among other things, for the city. In November the race begins with an experience – with a gift-giving sonntag.

The first November week is high in the Braunschweiger Innenstadt from November 1 to 3 and takes place in the Mumme-Genussmeile statt. Zahlreiche Gastronomen und Marktleute are beteiligt en präsentieren ihre Speciallitäten.

Nina Fritzler is a sales leader at the Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH and explains the Bedeutung des Malzgetränks: “Die Mumme is a bigger and more bedeuten Teil der Braunschweiger Geschichte and damn a real traditional product.”

The Stadtmarketing GmbH specializes in its medium term, it is one of the most important export products from the Löwenstadt trade, it is a Malzextrakt and schmackhaftes beer.

The Braunschweiger-mamme is busy with international affairs. Given its high temperature and long lifespan, it is likely that Proviant will be seen at a higher level. If you know that your mother drinks a beer and a non-alcoholic beer and that is very healthy, speisen and gettränke from würzen and vereinern.

Orten fell in the city in Anfang November Angebote rund um the Mumme geben. An anlaufpunkt is the best option on the Kohlmarkt, there is a special market here. There is a steep process progression at Platz am Ritterbrunnen.

On the Platz der Deutschen Einheit präsentiert sich die Region: the Südheide Gifhorn, the northern Harzvorland, the Landkreis Peine and Wolfsburg are presented here.

Connecting with the mother-girl is a gift sonntag, der drop and letzte in that year. On November 3, the event can be completed from 13 to 18 o’clock.