
ROUNDUP: Fielmann awaits damp US-Zukäufen

ROUNDUP: Fielmann awaits damp US-Zukäufen

HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) – The Optikerkonzern Fielmann (ETR:) thanks the blessed young people in the USA for a successful Entwicklung. You will see that the cost savings program is positive for the Ergebnis. On the German market I think that the Wachstum a few mauen Konsumstimmung hinterher and Fallt schwächer aus. Der Konzern bekräftigte seine Prognose für das laufende Geschäftsjahr.

I was put to work by Quartal by Fielmann in a Swiss Wachstum. So from the Konzernumsatz a 15.3 Prozent on 601 Million Euro, with the Unternehmen am Freitag in Hamburg Mitteilte. The result of Zinsen, Steuern and Abschreibungen (Ebitda) amounts to 8.8 Prozent on 142 Million Euro. Among the costs of integrating other roads, the costs for integration with the young years have grown so much that the restrukturierung program has increased in value by 7.3 percent to 39.2 million euros.

Analysts have bothered to make more mistakes. Die im notierte Aktie verlor am Morgen deutliche 7.8 Prozent. After being lost for more than 12 years, the paper has been lost. Thilo Kleibauer, an analyst at Warburg Research, said Zahlen did this too. It is said that the development of expansion in the United States has increased significantly, while the Wachstum in the current DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) is even more schwächle. It is one of the most striking things from Kraft’s own, a very solid employee who makes his profits.

In the next month the amount of money is 13 Prozent auf 1.69 Billiarden Euro zu. Eight Wachstums projects were started during the American takeover. Germany, Switzerland and Austria are prancing in the Umsatz in Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum zischen funfünf and new Prozent. Deutlich stärker explains Spain and Poland. The Zukäufe in the USA can cost 127 Million Euro in the first new month.

The company that Ergebnis (Ebitda) founded in the new month to the end of September on September 13 earned an amount of 379 million euros, which is even more. In Europe the entsprechende Rendite um 1.1 Prozentpunkte auf 23.6 Prozent zu. In the US, the day of Marge nor German, soft drink Fielmann could an unveränderte Rendite of 22.4 Prozent verzeichnete.

An der Prognose für das laufende Year hält Fielmann fest. So we expect the economy to generate an additional cost of 2.3 billion euros in 2024. A start has been made with 15 prosents in relation to previous discussions. If profits are increased, profitability may remain unchanged. Zuletzt went to Fielmann to improve the operative margin (Ebitda) as well.