
Red Bulls from Cologne in Germany –

Red Bulls from Cologne in Germany –

The EHC Red Bull Munich won the 14th matchday of the PENNY DEL Saison 2024/25 in Cologne after three home matches in Folge with 1:2 (1:0|0:1|0:1). For 10,796 purchases SAP Garden has awarded Markus Eisenschmid the goal for the Mannschaft of Trainer Max Kaltenhauser.


Munich and Cologne extend the previous corridor, but the defense is weak. Hochkaräter fehlten daher zunächst. Once he has the first abschnitts, Nikolaus Heigl is the first to enter the fray at a moment and goes in the direction of Mathias Niederberger who prevents the Kölner Führung by Adam Almquist (10.). I am Anschluss and the Special Teams are both Mannschaften gefragt. Munich blieb in de Überzahl black ohne Treffer, dafür clapped es in owner Unterzahl: Eisenschmid wewertetete the brilliant Flippass of Yasin Ehliz zum 1:0 (14.). With this mode it goes into the first break.

The tasting and for all glücklicheren Start in the Zweiten Abschnitt erwischen die Haie. Parker Tuomie (22.) saw an Abprallers from the plexiglass in Australia with Hilfe. It’s a real duel. Both teams had a strong lead – a pair of jewels defeated by Jonathon Blum (28.) and Cologne Torschützen Tuomie (37.). There is no longer another hit field in the middle cut.

Im letzten drittel zunächst große Möglichkeiten. Both companies have consistently stated that they are somewhat different. It lasts 1:1 until minute 52. Then Justin Schütz plötzlich in front of the Münchner Tor on a schloss eiskalt zum 1:2 ab. The Red Bulls have never seen everything: Chris DeSousa (57.) has one of the most successful Munich Topchancen, but Haie-Schlussmann Julius Hudacek has taken the pressure and the war is not so long ago.

Max Kaltenhauser: “A Leistung reife has arisen after the Tore was not shoveled. Der Gegner war abgezockter. I can’t help myself from Jung’s life: I will be happy with it.”

Tower: 1:0 | 13:23 | Markus Eisenschmid 1:1 | 21:47 | Parker Tuomie 1:2 | 51:06 | Justin Schutz

Zuschauer: 10,796 (purchased)