
Integration from Ukraine: Vernichtendes Urteil zum Job-Turbo

Integration from Ukraine: Vernichtendes Urteil zum Job-Turbo

Since the Russian Einmarsch in Ukraine in February 2022, more than a million Ukrainians and Ukrainians have flocked to Germany. From June 2022 you can view your citizen’s allowance or the Grundsicherung für Arbeitssuchende. There are 720,000 Ukrainian Citizens who have managed these Leistungen, which cost half a million dollars. The monatlichen Leistungsansprüche will cost more than 500 million euros. These costs will leave the Federal Government and start the “Job Turbos” initiative for a year.

Central components are there, there are many problems, which have an absolute integration process and generate a citizen’s money, quickly and efficiently in the labor market to integrate. The large numbers have been banned from the Bundeshaushalt 2024, one million euros has been reduced and an amount of 1.5 million euros has ended up in the three following jewels.

Mängel hören nicht bij Integrationskurs auf

The Federal Court of Justice no longer has any problems, but the problems from Ukraine have been resolved. Die Bilanz: sober. The problem that arises with the integration courses and the Federal Administrative Court testifies to the employment center “there is a lack of commitment to integration work”: Oftentimes, the Teilnahme der Geflüchteten and Integrationskursen are a more monate or they are not the first sister, but they are also part of the childcare benefits. , wodurch sich der Spracherwerb entsprechend verzögerte. Since 2024, one of the cases where the integration courses have started, the four-day course has increased four times in size.

The people are no longer integrated with integrations: Auch bei der Vermittlung Geflüchteter in Arbeit stellt der Bundesrechnungshof erhebliche Defizite fest: Relevante Daten wie de genauen Sprachkenntnisse or a luckenloser Lebenslauf wurden often not completely wrong. If the consultation discussions are not complete after the integration courses have been completed, there are probably no obligations.

At the Vermittlung, the Ergebnis des Bundesrechnungshofs is under attention: “Auch bei den im Year 2024 geprüften Fällen führten little as a proof of the Vermittlungsvorschläge zu ainer Einstellung.” Let’s continue with our work, continue working, and enjoy our time with both Partners looking at a children’s cycle route that makes the child’s soul possible. 2024 will soon be completed again soon so that your confirmation will be approved.

Federal Court of Justice for effective integrations

It is in Germany that the Arbeitsplatz-Turbo is not used by all Jobcenters, it is worth finding in the Kommunaler Trägerschaft, but it cannot be bundled. The BMAS cannot be a single loser, but the turbo works on a bet and a professional market integration from Ukraine. The Beschäftigung der Ukrainian Steigt Seit 2022 is now linear and how the einführung of the turbos has not started significantly, even the Anzahl der Leistungsberechtigten has no longer disappeared. Thanks to the BMAS, it is clear that more and more new integrations are possible and that the development processes are becoming increasingly important.

For the background of its Prüfbericht, the Bundesrechnungshof does not go further than the Bundeshaushalt through the Job-Turbo, one million euros that have been included. Reducing the outflow in the vernacular is like doing something wrong. There is a BMAS in operation, at the job center that ensures effective integration, making it possible to reduce costs and reduce costs, which then lie in the job center in the joint trade.