
Viennese Business School: Die Schule der Wirtschaft

Viennese Business School: Die Schule der Wirtschaft

There is a VBS that uses international applications, practice-oriented methods, a problem, family debts, modern learning and debt solutions.

You can learn more by yourself

The Vienna Business School has contacted companies and partners at home and abroad. Schülerinnen and Schüler ensure that they can start their network in a suitable location and increase their social and digital competition. Innovative learning methods and zukunftsweisende Ausbildungsschwerpunkte gewährleisten Berufsbildung amPuls der Zeit.

Viele Zusatzangebote, wertvolle Praxis

No high vocational training at the Handelsakademie, Handelsscholen and Aufbaulehrgängen allows the Vienna Business School to pass the innovative Bildungsschwerpunkte and Schulformen. Nach der Etablierung der JusHAK als Pionierschule in Vienna und VBS Schönborngasse en nun auch an der VBS Mödling, Angeboten im Bereich Soziales und Nachhaltigkeit an der VBS Hamerlingplatz und der VBS Augarten anyway with the follow-up activities for the CyberHAK an der VBS Floridsdorf in diesem Schuljahr The LogistikHAK will start at VBS Akademiestraße in September 2025.

We offer the VBS an extensive range of singing boats from individual coaching and peer systems to projects for professional practice, exercise and sports programs to international legal practices and the recognition of sister certificates.

Erfolgreiche Absolvent*innen

Non-solvents and non-solvents of the VBS have been forced onto the labor market. Zahlreiche prominent persons from the Wirtschaft, Politik and Kultur expands on the Grundstein for his Karriere, who the amtierende Bürgermeister Wiens, Michael Ludwig, the ORF moderator in Kristina Inhof, the back-unternehmer Kurt Mann who the National Board of Directors of Heinrich Himmer and Nico Marchetti, as chairman, take over the Absolvent*innen-Netzwerks der VBS, the Vienna Business Circle, functions. VBS-Standorte lie in Wien im 1., 2., 8. und 21. Bezirk, anyway in Mödling. The VBS is involved by the Fund of the Wiener Kaufmannschaft and is financed by the Wirtschaftskammer Wien geführt.

Tradition and innovation

The Vienna Business School in Akademiestraße was founded in 1857, and its location in Josefstadt lasted for a hundred years. Neben Tradition is also based on Innovation and Individuality in the School: The director* of debt collection has enjoyed a schulautonomous gestaltungsspielräume and a passionate educational Schwerpunkt, and is in the context of entrepreneurship education, leisure or the further development of the digital world is Kompetenzen.

Active Schulleben

The active Schulleben will no longer find any state of affairs, but they will find one of the most diverse translations for all Schüler*innen of the Vienna Business School:

• With the Merkur Award, your Jahr im Rahmen became a beautiful Gala herausragende Schüler*innen, Lehrer*innen and projekte ausgezeichnet.
• The Ball der Vienna Business School is one of the great debts of Österreichs, whose regularity is 3,500 guests in the Wiener Rathaus Lockt.
• Gemeinsame Business and Karriere Talks bring the Schüler*innen aller Standorte mit Vertretern der Wirtschaft ins Gespräch.
• Schulübergreifende Sportveranstaltungen spielen an der Vienna Business School een grote Rolle.
• Systemic coaching, one and in small groups, which schüler*innen dabei, re-organize situations that qualify and offer them potential opportunities.