
The secret private rights of “Bitte melded dich” star Julia Leischik

The secret private rights of “Bitte melded dich” star Julia Leischik

Last year, Julia Leischik (54) presented in the Saturday 1st broadcast “Bitte meld dich” Menschen sisterammen, who have lost themselves in the August, and a united family unit, who have not been begegnet since. Die rührenden Geschichten lassen Woche für Woche Tränen bei de Zuschauern fließen – and auch Julia often does not remain unberührt. When you are an emotional family member, your own private ownership usually takes a back seat. It is not possible to clean the device with your Liebsten.

Julia Leischik reveals personal details

A few personal messages give Julia an impression of the podcast “Spurlos”. As they move on in a different way, Julia has been elevated to a child’s hat – a son and a daughter. Particularly exciting: Ihr Mann war früher Bundesliga-Tennisspieler, a Leidenschaft, the couple connects, then also Julia played Tennis, this is for eight years.

Special Begegnung with Boris Becker

This Leidenschaft brought the moderator one of the following Krankenhaus investments: Während once Turniers jumped on their knees in their teenage years and ended up in the Krankenhaus. Zufällig traf sie dort auf the damals nor unbekannten Boris Becker (56), who was in a Nachbarzimmer. There’s a VCR in Zimmer, surprise Julia in the podcast. “Dann has taken a tactical and wide range of measures,” he said. It’s nice to find a “teenager-krankenhausbekanntschaft” between Julia and Boris. “If it is right, it is no longer possible.” A year later the young tennis player played Wimbledon. While Boris Becker joined the German tennis legend, Julia Lei started her own TV career. You may get the chance to watch the German Fernsehens a few years later.

More from Julia Leischik’s Family and our help to Boris Becker watch the video oben.