
US-Präsidentschaftswahl: The last Trump of white men

US-Präsidentschaftswahl: The last Trump of white men

A October we will be sailing with the Hurrikan “Helene” from the Caribbean over the Gulf of Mexico, we will have a healthy right turn and will be in good shape with a Sichel weiter over Florida and North Carolina. Those Auswirkungen were glorious. Landstriche wurden verwüstet, Bäume entwurzelt, Häuser zerstört, Straßen unterspült. More than 200 people starbing. So weit the Wetterbericht der Vereinigten State of America aus diesem Herbst – der alldings so benheerende Auswirkungen auf das Politiek Klima nach zog.

A dämonic representation of the white houses and of Kamala Harris has been “Helene”, he is in YouTube videos and in posts on Elon Musk’s Platform Donald Trump’s Anhänger is Wählen zu hinder. Der Weg für de Abbau secreter Lithiumreserves und besiedelten Orten solle free gemacht. The Verschwörungstheories are said to have won millions of people, another of the Republican congress abordents Marjorie Taylor-Greene. If it’s not bizarre, it’s not common.

The adjustments can create wild dynamics of their own. In North Carolina Milizen marched up and chased away the Beamte der Katastrofenbeschermingsbehörde and the Feuerwehr. In Rutherford County, a lawsuit against a tribunal arose. Trump-Anhänger has online behavior, here is the only planning that the Wohngebiete will be described.

A man who received the message as an exotic signature will never be true again: North Carolina will end up in the ‘Swing States’, in the world where American control could take place. In the US of the year 2024, everything is political, even in the Wetteren. The political auseinandersetzung has the Wahnsinns attention.

A Weichenstellung für Jahrzehnte

And although there were many of them, in North Carolina and otherwise two passions, a wahnsinnig rational Drehbuch. While that Wahl is more about the next presidents or the next presidents, about more like a Sieg of Republikanern or Democrats. There is a Weichenstellung for the years.

Man can describe this Wahl in a number of terms, but in the middle point it represents an unversöhnliche Machtfrage. Zur Wahl is the white, male America, which is an ideal prosperous country in the 1950s, in the winner and publishing house is more clearly sorted. A Weltmacht, the other nations by the Androhung von Gewalt in the schrankenworld, with Donald Trump as his successor, everything has power over the matter.

On the other side of multi-ethnic America, the summit is between White and Black, Hispanics and Asians, old people and new Einwanderer.innen generations and in these small ultimately dominant social classes more money, which are themselves by another High Farbe or a other Geschlecht auszeichnete. For these state-owned companies, the political biographical is Kamala Harris.

It is a strange thing, such a major role in the identity police that it is not the case in the modern history of a Wahl – an identity police of the right, of the whites. The publisher Joe Klein focused on a ‘Gringo-Aufstand’, which appealed to Trump’s musk and mask art of the dominant power in the Spanish and black male world.

The furchterregende is the best, as far as many American and American people are concerned, for the Sieg in that new citizen krieg of the Verlust demokratischer Werte and der Realität als Grundlage von Politik and Zusammenleben zu akzeptieren. ‘Whatever it takes’ – this American motto, it was a matter of time before Trump’s supporter and the Wählerinnen die Bereitschaft, civil servants would be interested in accepting and accepting the support of the liberals who would support democracy, we would be better off with it. Dominance serves.

A Schicksal who is the Roman Reich?

Does America keep the world that is an einst-rom-eingeleitet?

EJ Antoni and Peter St Onge, conservative Ökonomen

“I think I will do more business, that man will no longer disappear and that Trump will become blind,” he says of the political experts and Washington Post-Columnist Robert Kagan. “There is a real Movement, a very powerful Movement, the Trump has developed and the way a Veränderung in der Kunst en Weise, how America functions, might look like.”

As we move through this era during American history, the current will gain more and more power in China and its submission and the international formachtstellung, so that it knows the formacht of white domestic politics.

If we leave the state state, the Reason ist, while the radical-conservative Kreisen de Lage Gerne mit dem Römischen Reich verglichen. “Hat Amerika de Untergang wie een einst Rom eingeleitet?”, Fragment etwa de Heritage Foundation in a text by the konomen EJ Antoni and Peter St Onge. Als Belege führen sie financial Misswirtschaft an, teure Kriege and versschwenderische heimische Ausgaben. When the time comes again, the Vereinigten Staaten will see a Zusammenbruch which will be the Römischen Imperiums. Aber das Zeitfenster schließe sich.

It is a double global dominance of the national dominance of the alternative human types, that of bitterness and the remains, of entschlossenheit and erectile character, with Trump and his supporters.

Relative status lust

On the background of demographic development, the end of the white majority in the American-American economy around 2050, the rights kreis of the Erzählung was increased, while die letzte Wahl, while the impetus of the Weißen still continued. The letzte Wahl, at the power of the multi-ethnic community, could not be taken over. In this logic, there is no intellectual Unfall, the million people in the US have dared Donald Trump in 2024.

After a data analysis of New York Times Steht especially the white Mann ohne College-Abschluss heute schlechter da as for 40 years. Darin steckt a economical Frage, dying in a Wahljahr entseparing signal kann: What are others as a mirror? Bewertet would not be the own low, if the Abgleich zum Rest is. It’s true, who dies Times It’s a matter of time, because of the status.

Deserves een white American-American part of the College-Abschluss 1980 noch 7 Prozent besser als der Durchschnitt – als als alle Frauen unabhängig ihrer Bildung und als een Schwarzer ohne College-Abschluss –, en is heute gut 10 Prozent weniger als der Durchschnitt. That data indicates, the white men of the College-Abschluss of Frauen with the College-Abschluss (jeder ethnic Herkunft) überholt wurden. Whoever desires his relative status is for: Rassismus and right-wing extremismus speisen sich vornehmlich aus der Angst der Mittelschicht voor dem sozialen Abstieg, in de gesellschaftlichen Hierarchie.

And here it won’t be long since the Hillbillys, who impoverish US-Americans from the Appalachians and their mountainous mountains, the Trump 2024 in the Endkampf another Ordnung-führt. “It is a mistake by the Glauben that Donald Trump can blindly ignore the Wahlen-gewonen, now we have ungebildete white unterschichten in the ländlichen Regionen blindly unterstützen,” warned Michael Werz of the Center for American Progress, a democratic think tank in Washington verengten View of the history.

Identitätspolitische Sehnsucht

“The largest number of 75 millions of Wählerinnen und Wähler im Year 2020 comes with prosperous white Mittelschichten.” And that, says Werz, “is a real parallel since the 1930s in Europe: Wenn das Bürgertum sich für autoritäre Politik begeistern lässt, wird es brandgefährlich.”

The great Hunde and Katzen are essential migrants from Springfield, who saw Trump in a fantastic TV debate, but not a fresh one. When the soulful reconciliation takes place, the identity of the political identity is determined by the many spitztests that we serve: here are the white, setzestreuen, the real American, the marodierden migrants, who feel like the best of Haustieren ernähren.

Those babies, who still haven’t gotten into trouble, another one wanted this one during your debate, will probably have a different mindset. With the image of the Frauen who tötet his newborns, Trump mobilizes the progressive community, in the Frauen über his own reproductive rights. There is a modern Monster history that has shaken the tradition of the American family.

About the Ausgang, these epic investigations will be an analyst and an analyst who makes a prediction at that time. Trump’s Leute, die in his own Echo Chamber, because he is an überzeugt. Trump himself negatively ignores Nachrichten schlichtweg. Harris-Lager leans toward “moderate panic and moderate optimism,” which is a more democratic assessment.

Shockwells of Fear

If you have a moment of “October Surprises” in the Wahlkampf, you will see the American Wahlkampf dazugehören, an uncalcular domination of the Wahl, on the Democrats who are as good as possible: as one of the best Trumps in New Yorker Madison Square Garden played a racist witze zum Besten and elevated Puerto Rico as “schwimmende Müllhalde” in the program of comedian Tony Hinchcliffe.

Of the 600,000 American Puerto Ricans who in most cases saw Swing State Pennsylvania, i.e. the democratic Hoffnung, a few of the results of their research could be excluded. Some of those few things that are coming out are Pennsylvania in a Democratic blau-färbt.

Others all settled in the last century, Trump could very much assert power, he could advance his political common interests and increase the mass portage of power through liberal, democratic America. Denn was in 2024 in the United States on the Wahlzettel-steht, the man who inzwischen constatieren, is neither bigger nor as blooming Fantastereien whiter gentlemen.

Moreover, the Democrats are in parallel with each other in the Rom. America sees “an uncanny Weise die Schritte Roms zum Untergang nach”, warned the historian Tim Elliot. By Trumps Zeit, Julius Cäsar said that he was wrong, while taking the other side of the attention, “that statistics are a throne, the democratic Norms have Kraft, ignore the control of power and undermine the political debate” .