
Der Hausbesuch: Von Schildkröten learn

Der Hausbesuch: Von Schildkröten learn

Krankenhäuser is a profitable business. If things don’t go well, Jane Mey is the right person.

Draussen: With a Rikscha quartet Meys Ehemann Peter in front of the Freiberger Bahnhof. Während der Fahrt zum Haus der Familie sayt is de spatmittelalterlichen Kern der früheren Berg- und Silberstadt am Fuße des Erzgebirges. On the Marktplatz, Mey am Thinkmal des einstigen Margraven von Meißen, heute salopp “Otto der Reiche” stopped, and at the Glockenturm of the Rathauss gegenüber theretönt das Bergmannslied: “Glück auf! Glück auf! Der Steiger kommt“. We can watch the minutes again when it goes home, in the form of Jane Mey with Peter, the gemeinsamen van Töchtern and a Hündin lebt. Davor ein Schild: “Goethe was not here.”

Drinking: Schon das Schuhregal im Eingangsbereich, dass here eeninige Menschen whnen. “Dabei sind wir nur noch zu viert,” said Jane Mey and laughed. The last attempt at 51 years has been postponed, the little one is a kurz-davor. Nur die Jüngste would be neither a Weile bleiben. It’s 17 and a rendering is being made. A better start to the Innenhof is another house. Darin found an Arbeitszimmer, von den Mey’s “das Büro” generated.

Politics: Peter Mey brought Kaffee in a Kanne from Meißner Porzellan and Freiberger Eierschecke – “Im Gegensatz zur Dresdner ohne Quark” – zum Tisch. Jane Mey started writing. If the Mauer field rages, the war in 16 and still rages in the Heimatstadt Karl-Marx-Stadt – Heute Chemnitz. While Peter traveled to Freiberg in the Hofstad at the age of 17 during the Montag demonstrations, Jane is not so loyal to politics. With my mittleren another war as a Wahlkampfveranstaltungen, “aber ich verstehe Politik nicht. If you are a different person, you can do that too.” Da, wo sieht, sieht was finished. Other than that, you are more than happy in your own home: “We are always happy in our kitchen.”


Dieser Text originates from there Wochentaz. Unserer Wochenzeitung from the left! When the woman is in the world, it is – and it is good. A link to a living situation with stimulation, halt and the other way of looking at the world. Jeden Samstag is new in the newsstands and of course in Abo.

Discomfort: Schon zu GDR-Zeiten schwamm Jane Mey gegen den Strom: “Mis 16 habe ich me wewegert, zur 1. Mai-Demo zu gehen, weil ich nicht eeningesehen habe, wieso.” Hinzugehen war Pflicht, fernbleiben awaited. So if you rasier it, it’s that the punk identifies itself. It is not that the group no longer works.

Arguments: If you have your own head, says Mey, enjoy your knowledge. „I read my own arguments with good arguments for the future.“ Während des Kalten Krieges has bee Meinungsbildung so funktioniert, erklärt sie verschmitzt: „Man hat first got the Eastfernsehen, thennn Westfernsehen.“ The informations, which were gleich, ließ themselves trauen.

Nursing comfort: Mey knows a political theme from his own Erfahrung. Over the past 30 years it has been first as Krankenwester, then as the help of Kodier and finally as Pflegefachkraft equipment. They ate an ihrem Kaffee. A major development due to the privatization of management and personal management matters: “All the woolly intestines were taken care of. Die Arbeit aber no one will.” One of the youth of the Job schmackhaft zu machen, müssten nicht nur die Löhne steigen: “It brings nichts, more zu haben, wenn man durch die Arbeit im Sarg liegt.”

Fallpau scales: 2003, in Germany, an Abbrechnungssystem-eingeführt became an Abbrechnungssystem-eingeführt in Germany, while the stationary Krankenhaus-behandlungen über Fallpau scales were abgerechnet. When a Blinddarm-OP erklärt was Jane Mey, this one was bedeutet. Before the treatment, the Krankenhaus of the Kassen was given a festive break: “The trade after three days would have the power of the Krankenhaus Gain. Abs drei Tagen were zum nullsummenspiel.’ Bei more Tagen mache das Krankenhaus minus. “If you do that, you will find a different approach, which means a new break.” As Kodier’s assistant, the man during the visit laufe. “And said: ‘Da gibt es noch was zur Abrechnung.’ Or: “Wir müssen eigentlicht entlassen, die Zeit ist um.”

Reform: Once you know that the Bundestag introduced a Mental Health Reform in October, it will be accepted that the Bedeutung der Fallpauscales is deutliche abschwächt. Der Bundesrat muss noch zustimmen. And Jane Mey? “I find it worth it, that’s the end result,” he said. Those who do not use the plant plants will no longer remember their turn.

Overload: Your view as a Krankenschwester might be in a Krankenhaus. “If I have to worry about anything, I will be overburdened.” This means that they cannot be avoided: “If I am in the Spätdienst bin and they are not safe, they are not in the classroom, but without caring for the patients.” Jane Mey schüttelt den Kopf. “Die fanden, Schichtende ist Schichtende. Ab da muss die Nachtschicht übernehmen. Everything, to avoid costs.”

If Jane Mey’s Lieblingstiere since, it is over. It combines itself in fell Formen

Photo: Stephan Floss

Humanity: In 1996, as a sick person, we still have more personal information: “We spent the night there.” He was happy to spend time with his people, “but we were able to enjoy life.” You can use the best Medizin niece if you no longer see. Time for conversation, meint si, can also work preventively and sometimes cost-effectively. “Often, people have more experiences, but they don’t spend the night.”

Background: Schon Meys Mumbles war Krankenschwester. And in the Mitarbeitervertretung. “I would like my own life not to take place in the future.” If we have been given an image of Weberin that has not even begun in the Krankenwester, it is that Weberin does not have any stelle, but it seems that this happened in the future. Stattdessen lands in Freiberg. And this is a small twist. “I would never travel again with a caravan in the world.”

Kraftfrage: Zuletzt war is Pflegefachkraft for an ambulant Pflegedienst. “I see the Hut for all those who can conquer the Job,” said Mey. They were able to do one themselves. “Weil mein Körper einfach signalisiert hat, that’s not more true. My Blutdruck wurde immer höher.“ After a longer period, a new stelle as Pflegedienstleitung has appeared in a Tagespflege recommendation. From the new Stelle you can read more about this, and read more about it: “People are happy.”

In this war Goethe says: the Baustelle is one of the zukünftige Häuser der Meys. Durchaus possibile, dass eine Demenz-WG einzieht

Photo: Stephan Floss

Artistic Intelligenz: Due to the development of AI with robots, which stops during medical treatment, this will no longer work. „Also, I am not very good at the robot function!“ Also, as the impact on the development of the environment is critical: “With new programs and problems that affect human beings, they became müssen.”

Schildkröten: There is a display case in an Abstellraum in the Erdgeschoss. Darin: a Collection of Schildkröten, Geschenke von Familie und Freunden. Schildkröten by Jane Meys Lieblingstiere. “It’s been black or long, but I’ll be back soon. And if you are in the Panzer zurückziehen, you can find a silver Schildkröte that is in the Sammlung, the Panzer is no longer that good. It’s a pill treasure. Jane Mey said a few rings from Holz: “That’s how Peter gets his high gift.” As the year continues, it is silver.

Zukunft: If you have a new house for a few years, we will never change anything. When you see the Baustelle, your Grundstück entfernt is no longer there. Stubbornly, it is two Häuser. Die Wände des als Wohnhaus planted Gebäudes since aus Lehm. One of the two waiters in the room quickly came up with the following idea during the last week: “We will see the plan for Christmas in the new house: “Welcome to Christmas, it’s off.” Ebenso, he was with us at home. “Eine WG met bereutem Wohnen”, said Jane Mey. “Oder a Demenz-WG.” Think about it: “Hauptsache, an Ort der Gemeinschaft und des Zusammenkommens.”