
Union lobs Lindner – SPD and Grüne stop a Koalition party

Union lobs Lindner – SPD and Grüne stop a Koalition party

The Union hat FDP chief Christian Lindner from his early years for the Wirtschafts- and Sozialpolitik with Lob geradezu überschüttet. The politics of the CDU and the CSU have taken over the ruling Ruf after the proposed Neuwahlen. If the government partner of the Federal Finance Minister is busy with his job all day, he will concentrate. Spitzenvertreter of SPD and German rulers, that is one of the woolliest Regierungsbündnis.

Ampel in Trennungsjahr?

The SPD chairwoman Saskia Esken has recognized Zweifel, the coalition stopped on September 28, 2025. ‘No one will add a prediction car if he wants to see the next Bundestagswahl stattfindet. In the Koalition it is out of the question for us to leave the hut,” he said at an SPD Veranstaltung in Hamburg.

Lindner’s Forderungen said clearly: “Durch the Bank since this Punkte, which there dort gezählt hat, in the Koalition not zu verwirklichen.” Co-SPD chief Lars Klingbeil was, if all goes well, “the Reichs became jetzt reicher” and the work will only last a few years. Because the SPD worked longer and earned more interest, the SPD became a “smaller team”.

Der Bewerber voor de Grünen-Vorsitz, Felix Banaszak, verglich de Ampel-Koalition met een Ehe in Trennungsjahr. I said to the ZDF: “Die liebe kommt nicht wieder, aber man hat noch Verantwortung für die Kinder. And when I discovered that Verantwortung became a dish for the first time.”

The Klingbeil has formed the coalition and its responsibility. “I notice that in the days of political Berlin there is a super nervous and speculative world, who is more concerned,” says the “Augsburger Allgemeinen”. “After all, the people in this country were nervous. Mich übrigens auch“, he fumed. Viele Menschen take the economic impact into account or can be dismissed on the Arbeitsplatz.

“If the wool is a government, it is not that you have an idea yourself, as long as everything has happened, one of the Arbeitsplätze zu retten,” Klingbeil stated. “I am more than happy with my FDP-Collegen Volker Wissing: Management is not easy, but we have to deal with this responsibility, it is important.”

Federal Transport Minister Wissing would like to make a guest contribution to the “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung” for the Verbleib part of the postponed Koalition. Kurz darauf wurde Lindners Wirtschaftspaper bekannt.

Darin has sent the FDP chief a “Wirtschaftswende” with a “teilweise grundlegenden Revision politischer Leitentscheidungen”. Konkret is such a safe moratorium that the new regulations are stopped. In any case, if the solidarity of the Solidarity Organization is for all cases, a national climate must be replaced by the European Union.

The paper used in the Vorschläge will be attracted by the unions in the House of Representatives in the Bundestag, the CDU chief and union candidate Friedrich Merz wrote in his e-mail newsletter „MerzMail“. “A man can argue after going in the right direction the last time. You can focus on the development of legal responsibility, which makes the people’s business more focused and goes to the core and follows an oriented business-political approach.”

Union lobs “mutiges Papier” von Lindner

“The Minister of Finance has a mute Paper in place, the disastrous Lage unserer Wirtschaft schonungslos analysiert and grundsätzlich that richtigen angebotspolitischen Antworten gibt”, says the Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer der Unionsfraktion, Thorsten Frei (CDU), der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

Lindners saw that the ‘flat community of the people was a great power’ and not at once with the ‘debt financiers of the State Fund Ideas’ of Economic Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne), i.e. Frei. Vielmehr sei Lindners has now put paper on a “Kampfansaga en de Grünen”.

How is it that the Aufschwung comes?

In the herbal project, the Federal Government is set at 0.2 Prozent for those years with a decline in Wirtschaftsleistung. The large Economic Research Institute is a minus of 0.1 percent. The young steuerschätzung needs a Mini-Plus of 0.7 billion euros for the Bund. Dieses Geld is the Lindner Prize used in the Haushalt transplant.

View the overview of the Haushalt for the coming year in the subsequent Reinigungssitzung of the Haushaltsausschüsses of the final festivities of the Bundestages. The installation will take place on November 14.

CDU General Carsten Linnemann said in the ZDF: “De facto the Ampel-Australian power belongs to the FDP. And then the man is so machen. These countries cannot even live an unreliable life. Deshalb braucht und Neuwahlen.”

CSU chief Markus Söder said “Bild”: “It is still clear: The Totenglöckchen der Ampel läutet.” Sollte Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) has not himself chosen the Kraft haben, the Koalition zu legden, müsse Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier einschreiten.

FDP muss a Wiedereinzug in the Bundestag of Bangen

While the Ampel-Koalition tattoos use other breeds, a new direction of the FDP after the jetzigem position is vulnerable. After the FDP faction has made an attempt to work in the Bundestag bangen, a mission must take place. Once you know how to buy a sollte, you will have a black coalition, which will come to Angela Merkel’s (CDU) devastating Kanzler from 2009 to 2013, stand still if you have more time. The Union is located in Umfragen zurzeit at etwa 32 Prozent.