
Einsatz: Betrunkener wechselte Amt mit Hotel

Einsatz: Betrunkener wechselte Amt mit Hotel


A 27-year-old man is sonntagfrüh in the Bezirkshauptmannschaft Leoben eingedrungen. It is not possible that one of the things you have done or that you have done a service to wage an alcoholic war is one of the meals, that is the case when using a hotel trade.

When the 27th century alarm went off, police officers were on the plan. After 6:00 a.m., more police officers, more police officers, and more security personnel would be ordered.

Eingangstür damaged

If you want to reach the damaged input current of the device, this can be a “sightly alcoholisierter Mann”. “The man will stay with us, we will be there in a hotel in Leoben unterbracht sei and davon ausgehe, we will be there later,” this is the police report a day later. Der 27-Jährige wurde auf seinen Irrtum aufmerksam gemacht and auf freiem Fuß angezeigt.