
Gauting: Memorial table remembering the DP Hospital – Starnberg

Gauting: Memorial table remembering the DP Hospital – Starnberg

People were enjoying their first breath of fresh air after the Zweiten Weltkrieg in Gauting. Before the war against displaced persons has achieved a DP-Lager war objective, the Asclepios Klink will find out. When the woman enters a table in front of the main entrance of the Krankenhaus, this time and the schicksgemeinschaft, which work together in this way. Darunter were ehemalige KZ-Häftlinge and Zwangsarbeiter, überwiegend Jews, fell of ihnen schwer sick and in the Folge jahrelang in Tbc-Quarantäne. If the thinking table becomes one of the people of the world, “which after the battle of the Krieges and the Holocaust, the air and the medical care will be in those lower times”, says the clinic with. After the War and the Verfolgung, the hospital would be an “Ort der Genesung en des Neuanfangs”. At the festive Einweihung at Samstag in kleine Kreis mit Musik und Festegen, the new Table was enthusiastically created by Hans-Joachim Stumpf and Rita Kratzenberg by Verein “Remembering in Würmtal”, der thoughts in the Erinnerung and the Todesmärsche nach dem Kriegsende organizer. Scripture writer Gerd Holzheimer started the 30-minute celebration.