
Ampel-Streit: Esken sieht in Lindner-Papier keinen geeigneten Vorschlag – FDP-Chef verpasst eigenen Gipfelstart

Ampel-Streit: Esken sieht in Lindner-Papier keinen geeigneten Vorschlag – FDP-Chef verpasst eigenen Gipfelstart

Saskia Esken (SPD) has criticized the Wirtschaftsvorschläge of Finance Minister Lindner (FDP) as Wahlkampf-Manöver, which no longer exists for the Ampel Coalition. They ensure stable and accountable management. All Entwicklungen for Ampel-Krise in Liveticker.

Will the Ampel-Koalition go for the Aus? Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) has helped the SPD and the Grüne Zugeständnisse-machen, who have received a grundsatz paper. Auch im Haushalt voor 2025 klaffen noch Milliardenlücken. Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) stands for a Woche der Entscheidungen. View all information about the Regierungskrise in Liveticker.

Ampel-Koalition in der Krise – der Liveticker:

2:55 PM – “Wir wollen den Bruch nicht”, says Nouripour

The green pursuits after the roots of the divorce party chiefs Omid Nouripour vorzeitiges Ende der Ampel an. The fragment is one of the most common sources of the Regierungsbündnisse stelle sich nicht, says Nouripour auf Fragen von Journalisten. “Wir wollen den Bruch nicht. If you have told a different story, it is a serious matter that the situation became justice. We see the Krise at Autobauer VW, the Wahlen in the US with unwanted Ausgang, the crossing in Spain and the Russian Erfolge in the Krieg in Ukraine.

“It is a matter of seriousness and longing for our inner peace,” says Nouripour. No new paper is brought onto the market. “A Wachstumsinitiative has been brought to the Road, which has since become a reality,” said Nouripour. “It’s a good idea if we want to have one of the best engineers.”

2:35 PM – Esken see in Lindner-Papier keinen geeigneten Vorschlag

SPD chief Saskia Esken sees Christian Lindner’s Vorschläge as Beitrag for the Wahlkampf, but not for the implementation in the Ampel-Koalition. “I have no foundations for goodwill, in which social democratic efforts will be made,” says Esken about the future for another economic policy.

It is the fault in Eindruck, as SPD, Grünen and FDP are now not in the Sondierungsverhandlungen steckten – that is only after the autumn.

„Wir haben keine Neigung, die Koalition scheitern zu lassen“, concrete sie. “Wir brauchen eine verantwortungsvolle Regierung.” The man was seen during the day by the Koalitions partner who received the Kraft hats. Regarding the Frage nach a minority government, Esken said: “Since the SPD is prepared, given the situation, so who will be developed, and if so, it will evolve. And that will be a good thing.’ The SPD has left the Bereitschaft, this Regierung will continue.

2:13 PM – CDU calls for the Ampel-Koalition to be resolved

The CDU has taken control of the Regie-Rung, putting an end to the coalition. “The Ampel must have a state political government, namely that Sache zu legen,” says General Secretary Carsten Linnemann. Deutschland brauche a Neustart, der nur über a new Regierung gehe. It is so that it is as good as possible that a Neuwahl bowls.

14:03 Uhr – Lindner passes Start of his own Wirtschaftsgipfels

Finance Minister Lindner hates the heutige Montag zu einem Gipfel mit Wirtschaftsvertretern laden. Roads of the Ampel-Verhandlungen in Kanzleramt must start from Gipfel at 1 p.m. or Lindner. The FDP faction has found the best WELT, Lindner has ended up in the Kanzleramt. There was a später zum Gipfel-dazustoßen, before an anchorage ceremony took place at 3 p.m.

13:09 Uhr – “Da passionert gerade Vieles unter Hochdruck”, said the management speaker

Director Steffen Hebestreit said about the Dreier-Treffen: “It’s a great success.” Souls, if the unimportant Vorschlägen zur Wirtschaftspolitik are “ein Gesamtkonzept”, it is worthwhile to be all three gangbars of Koalitionspartner. “The Chancellor has made it clear, a step towards bribing the German Economics and the Sicherung der Arbeitplätze.”

If you have made a decision about the trading of the world, it is only a matter of whether one of the Koalitions partners “in the Büsche schlagen” wool and the Ampel-Bündnis has become the next Bundestagwahl at the end of September 2025. Ziel der Regierung müsse is nun sein, den Haushalt 2025 zu set, concrete Hebestreit.

12:30 – Habeck and Lindner from Krisengipfel in the Kanzleramt

Scholz hat Habeck und Lindner in Beratungen in Kanzleramt empfangen. Regierungssprecher Steffen Hebestreit would like this, as the Spitzenpolitiker for the Ampel-Koalition-sausschuss am Mittwochabend noch mehrfach vertraulich abstimmen wollen. The communication is one of the most common reasons for undermining the fragmentation, but the direction is still not the same maßnahmen in the Kampf that the Wirtschaftsschwäche Deutschlands can make its own.

12:00 Uhr – Djir-Sarai for the concrete Ergebnisse

The FDP is working on the fight against the Koalitionsspitzen in the Mittwochabend an Grundsatzentscheidung. The FDP has been given power, which should be “his concrete thing” at the meeting of the coalition government, one of the Wirtschaft in Deutschland Impulse, such as the Generalsekretär Bijan Djir-Sarai.

Grundlage must be the Vorschläge Lindner’s signal. Djir-Sarai lies insulted, while the FDP joined the coalition, Lindner sollte mit seinen Vorstellungen zur Wirtschafts- and Haushaltspolitik was never implemented. Der Generalsekretär said in full: “The Bundeskanzler and the Bundesfinanzminister are versichert, which is a condition for there to be a spontaneous Entscheidung-gibt.”

10:42 Uhr – End of the Ampel was “real Erlösung”, says Spahn

“There was a real Erlösung for Germany when this Ampel finally ended,” said Präsidiumsmitglied Jens Spahn before the session of the CDU Spitzengremien in Berlin. It became increasingly difficult, the man broke a stable direction after the US-Wahl. “The Federal Government is anything but stable. Jeder Tag is a good tag for Germany.”

Unions Fraktionsgeschäftsführer Thorsten Frei said: “If it were the case that the Koalition was fully zerrüttet, that it was a relevant issue, that would be taking an unjustified position.”

10:11 a.m. – Strack-Zimmermann: FDP proposes “Maximalforderungen”.

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP) has continued cooperation with the Lindner parties following one of the founding new guidelines for economics and finance. Please take a look at the Haushaltsberatungen that have a great influence, such as the Lage in Germany, says the Europe-ordered net in RBB. From the Grundsatzpaper Lindners, which fell on a change at the Ampel-Partnern SPD and FDP, said: “If you are in a treaty, then they empty the first maximum fordification on the Tisch. So who else could we don’t wait for more.”

If the Frage, by the FDP of the Regierungsbündnis, fortsetzen wolle, says: “Yes, that will happen. The FDP has been buried with control and power over Germany.”

09:48 Uhr – The coalition has received “verdammte accountability”, said the SPD General Secretariat

The SPD-Spitze sees neither Kompromissmöglichkeiten in the Ampel-Streit. General secretary Matthias Miersch said in ARD-“Morgenmagazin” that Bundnis was never in the end. “I’m not going to stop here, but I’m here in the current form and I’ll be there for you.” The Koalition has “a very positive response in these current times.” If the American government takes up the fight for a stable Federal Government, it is not likely to continue in the wake of the Wochen, like Miersch. “Deswegen: All muses travel together. Und: Cross-country skiing gilded niece.”

Dazu said Miersch: “We have a serious low.” Yes, everyone else was received. Das Dreier-Bündnis did it, it’s a great find. There is a clear view, it is all like that, Stabilität herzustellen – “en dazu rufe ich all auf”. Zur Stimmung in der Bevölkerung said: “Klar ist: Alle sind genervt.”

06:20 Uhr – Business Association Critics Lindners Vorstoß

Before the FDP-Wirtschaftsgipfel his Wirtschaftsverbände unzufrieden with the Vorstoß Lindners. “Für Symbolveranstaltungen wäre die Lage zu seriously,” says Tim-Oliver Müller, Head of the German Construction Industry Association, “Table Media”.

Müller is affiliated with the 23 Wirtschaftsvertretern, who join the FDP meetings. There are much better businesses in Lindners Papier and more infrastructure investment agencies. Müller’s experiences and conversations since the light of the times: “Bei een gesetzten Länge von zwei Stunden with 23 Verbänden bezweifle ich große Sprünge.”

The Wirtschaftsvertreter ensures that all people who are major factory workers go to work. “We are aware of the economics of the small businesses, the interests and rapid management of trade,” says Bernhard Rohleder, Head of the Digital Association Bitkom.

00:55 Uhr – Lindner infused with Scholz-Gespräch “Richtungsentscheidung”

The conversation with Christian Lindner and Olaf Scholz (SPD) has begun. Lindner reports on his own comments per X zu Wort: “No one can accept, that Germany will be able to follow through with hints. If you don’t want it all anymore, it won’t last any longer on the road. The hamburger wollen wieder stollz sein auf ihr Land.” There is a “Richtungsentscheidung”.

After the comments from “Bild”, Olaf Scholz was as happy with the SPD Spitze in the Kanzleramt as he was with Lindner alone. Über Ergebnisse is not possible.

Sunday, November 3:

10:40 PM – Linnemann lehnt Misstrauensvotum ab

Carsten Linnemann made a mission with Grünen and FDP against Olaf Scholz. “A miss could happen now, if it is a more realistic idea, that is a newcomer used in Germany. Gerade in der Migratie- und in der Wirtschaftspolitik. “And it is not possible with these green ones,” said Linnemann “Politico”. Neuwahlen was chosen.

9:00 PM – Long speech on X from “Political Theater”

The zurückgetretene Grünen-Vorsitzende Ricarda Lang is working on X zum Streit in der Ampel. If you have found the FDP, you can use a “herbs of the entscheidungen”, while Lars Klingbeil gets a “Woche der entscheidungen” sprach. It is necessary to have a proper management, which will be achieved in the lower region. If politics lasts longer, politics will be guilty of inschenierung.

8:15 PM – Lindner trifft Scholz zu Gespräch in Kanzleramt

After the SPD Spitze Christian Lindner spoke with Olaf Scholz, he entered the Kanzleramt. Das stale Photos. Zuerst message food “Bild” and “Stern” überinstimmend. It is unclear whether Lindner is now talking to Scholz or working with the SPD-Spitze trade.

with dpa/Reuters/cvb