
Cleveres Vermittlertool: Die Digitale Rentenübersicht

Cleveres Vermittlertool: Die Digitale Rentenübersicht

5.11.2024 – Gesetzliche, betriebliche und private Altersvorsorge-Ansprüche per Papier or App mühsam jijammensuchen war stern. The Digital Rentenübersicht will be available from January 2025. Whoever uses his function and whoever uses Vermittler will be further described in the VersicherungsJournal-Extrablatt. A Kurzfassung follows here.

The Digital Rentenübersicht (DRÜ) is a joint project of the representation of the interests of the alternatives, the Verbraucherschutzes, the Federal Ministeriums for Labor and the Soziales that manage the Federal Ministeriums of Finance.

Since June 2023, citizens can access the Portal free information. Kernstück is an overload of the individual situation in the change of the three of the alternation.

Der Nutzer sollerfahren, met welcher Rente is auf jeden Fall rechnen kann and womit in besten Fall. Answers to these fragments are nice for a combined view for you as an alternative product.

This is the Digital Rentenübersicht

A state of affairs that you can find in the DRÜ to your four verschiedene Werte je Produkt Gemäß Gesetz zur Entwicklung und Einführung een digital Rentenübersicht (Rentenübersichtsgesetz – RentÜG):

  • Alternative solutions have been found: The foundation of the site has found a solution for alternative products (alternative solutions) at the beginning of the life cycle or when removing the effects under the Annahme, while no other solutions have been implemented.
  • There are alternative management methods: the alternative management methods at the start of the learning cycle or when removing the effects under the Annahme, if these new instructions will be implemented.
  • Garantie Werte: de ereichten or erreichbaren Alternative settings, die nach geltendem Recht mentally entstanden entstanden or were entstehen or vertraglich zgesichert sind.
  • Prognostic data: The error or the incorrect alternative methods can give impetus to a certain movement of the powerful solution that works very well.

A detailed overview of your product information. In the Spalte links you will find more information about the product, such as the art of the alternative software or the interest start.

I’m right-wing if all goes well, was when I discovered the answers I came up with; zum Beispiel, ob die Auszahlungen nor versteuern müssen or der Sozialabgaben anfallen, ob Hinterbliebene or der Invalidität mit abgesichert sind. The most interesting information, including your contact details, telephone number, e-mail and postal address.


Vor Unsicherheiten would have been warned

If you get a warning about the Aussagekraft of the overview, this is not the case. So it’s the same:

  • Bitte beachten Sie bei der Planung Ihres Ruhestandes auch die steigenden Preise. If you look for a long time, this may fall out.
  • When you start answering the question, it is possible that there are several clauses ab.
  • What matters is that you pay more attention to an alternative product.
  • Doing this means that interest rates or phrases have fallen.

A number of alternative product suppliers can look forward to a list of celebrations. If the DRÜ still comes until the end of the years 2024 in one of the next years of the last century, it may be that this is the best deal, the twins are reported.

At the end of August, 314 registrations from organizations (entspricht 707 Vorsorgeeinrichtungen) were ready for registration and the Zentralen Stelle for Digital Rentenübersicht (ZFDR). 433 Vorsorgeeinrichtungen können bereits Daten liefern, darunter velde Lebensversicherer, Pensionkassen und Pensionsfonds.

Affected by the annuity law, after the interest-insights law that you can apply for, the current standards should be taken into account rent information and ihre Kundinnen and Kunden übermitteln müssen. From January 1, 2025, Vorsorgeeinrichtungen will be required to have Pensionskassen, Pensionfonds, Lebensversicherungsunternehmen as well as Banks, Sparkassen and Investmentfondsanbieter.

Vermittler can easily register.

Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung

Beratungsanlass 1: Die Registrierung

The nutzung of the portals ensures electronic authentication of the nutzers after the jewels that are on the technical stand. If you want to use the online automatic function (eID) of the digital personal (online automatic) functions.

If the online function is useful, the automatic app must be reloaded. If you use a card or a smartphone, the NFC (Near Field Communication) function allows you to use a PIN code.

Deshalb works on the Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung aG: “Vermittlerinnen and Vermittler are registered as quickly as possible, a number of functions and options to improve the DRÜ. Dadurch is no longer fallen, Kundinnen und Kunden active voor de Nutzung des Angebots zu gewinnen, de Nachfrage nach fachlicher Beratung door de Portaal in de following Monaten-steige sollte.”

Beratungsanlass 2: Die Übersicht prüfen

Die versicherten, the more alternative products, which you can use, when your Vermittler is in the height, die in the DRÜ-behind information about full-fledged and targeted information about the überprüfen. In the Datenflut, the notification and verarbeitet were muss, it is not the case that the technique was never implemented.

Beratungsanlass 3: Die Werte erläutern

The chance of a change in the quality of the product, which lies in the overview of your product, will often be confusing. This can be done by an expert on the internet or a face-to-face conversation.

Beratungsanlass 4: Die Werte interpretieren

Anyone who sees the Hinweise on “Rahmenbedingungen”, “Zinsentwicklung” or “Rentenanpassung” will find the DRÜ a snapshot and forecast more enjoyable. The Zukunft is a bleibt aber ungewiss.

And where would the Steuern be on his renteinnahmen zahlen muss? Would you like to investigate the Beiträge for your Krankenversicherung if you want your Altersvorsorge to receive guidance? Do you know the sterbetafel or your statistical value when it comes to whether you want to have the alternative reichs?

Beratungsanlass 5: Die Grenzen der DRÜ aufzeigen

The DRÜ berücksichtigt qua Gesetz “nur” Altersvorsorgeansprüche with jährlicher Standmitteilung. Damit considers other factors. Dazu zählen especially Real Estate. How long does it take to maintain credit on the account? Is it possible for you to turn your own property into another horrendous service for repair or sanitation?

Do you now see the old alternatives on the first view, while on the second view you are ordering from the Lower Halt for the Familiengehörige weitaus höhere Summen? Who is the situation, when the versicherte will develop into the deprived situation?

Zur Klärung Solcher Fragen would be the DRÜ nicht gemacht. In the Koalitionsvertrag 2018 it was written as follows: “We were able to provide sufficient information for the rental period, with the citizens and citizens being able to obtain personal information about the information provided by all three persons and possible handling assistance. Die säulenübergreifende Renteninformation soll under Aufsicht des Bundes stehen.“

Damit is the DRÜ a high-quality instrument, can be a comprehensive assessment of any small falls.

Extrablatt 4|2024 (Bild: VersicherungsJournal)

The original text is an Auszug from the VersicherungsJournal-Extrablatt 4|2024 with the title “Raus aus der Flaute: Rewind for the Life Change”.

Other people are informed about the research into the reorganization, the alternative organizational forms and the BU-Schutz for the manual worker.

The e-paper can be downloaded from the website.

This information can be purchased free of charge when printed in the country on this page.