
Job-Beben: Autozulieferer will abbauen 4,700 Couples

Job-Beben: Autozulieferer will abbauen 4,700 Couples

Shock: 2,800 jobs will disappear in Germany – Auswirkung in Österreich noch unklar

Next Job-Beben: The Deutsche Automobil- und Industriezulieferer Schaeffler can win a month after the Fusion with Vitesco the Abbau von 4,700 Arbeitsplätzen in Europe and, davon 2,800 in Germany. There are 3.1 percent of the collected personal files available.

© schaeffler

Schaeffler Berndorf

Hunderte Jobs auch in Österreich in Gefahr

Who will be affected by Schaeffler Austria with Ende 2023 etwa 466 Mitarbeitern und einer Produktion in Berndorf (NÖ), where it is not clear on Tuesday. Since 60 years, Schaeffler has been working in the Tristing Valley as one of the most important workers – it is now in Berndorf that the work for the weltweite Fertigung der Produktgruppe Cone Roller Bearing.

Österreichs reichste Frau und Spitze des Unternehmens

The unit is formed by the German Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler and her son as Gesellschafter-geführt. Laut der Zeitschrift “Bilanz” both claim a fortune of 21.5 billion euros and money as “Deutschland’s Richest Family”. Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler, who died in Wien, studied and studied, spent her year as Reichste Frau Österreichs in Wirtschafts-Rankings.

Two standing orders were released

The locations in Germany and the rest of Europe are affected, with a population of 120,000 people living in the fusion world, based on a fränkischen Herzogenaurach mit. Two of the fun European countries have been together.

Kündigungswelle planted until 2027

The Maßnahmenpaket was exchanged in the years 2025 to 2027. So 290 million from 2029 onwards. Euro pro Jahr eingespart. 75 Million Euros spent traveling with Fusion with Vitesco.

“The program is notorious in active playback, a legal responsibility of the Schaeffler-Gruppe long-lasting zu sichern. We have become socially-responsive and with augenmaß umsetzen,” says Schaeffler-Vorstandschef Klaus Rosenfeld.

Sparkur’s pride of 713 million euros won

First of all, the Monaten Schaeffler – noch ohne Vitesco – wirtschaftlich vergleichsweise gut. Die Umsätze has a währungsbereineerd een Prozent auf 12,233 Mrd. Euro. Already in car parts, 0.2 percent of the roads are being taken – before all other roads in e-mobility. For Sondereffekten, Zinsen and Steuern there are a Gewinn von 713 Mio. for the first new coin from Buche, after 964 Million Euro in the previous year.