
MiG-29-Kampfjet der Indische Luftwaffe moves to Agra ab

MiG-29-Kampfjet der Indische Luftwaffe moves to Agra ab

Video: Watson/Lucas Zollinger

05.11.2024, 14:2705.11.2024, 15:01

On November 4, it is a “Routine Training Signal” a camp jet of the Indian Luftwaffe in the Nähe der Stadt Agra in Uttar Pradesh and takes off from a field in Flammen. There are major scale effects on video celebrations, the nifty videos that appear on social media. Mittlerweile hat de Militär de Absturzstelle abgesperrt and eine Untersuchung des Vorfalls eingeleitet:

Video: Watson/Lucas Zollinger

Videos show how the pilot of the MiG-29-Kampfflugze flew a single waterfall two kilometers from the dramatic wind to Boden and from further snow and cold weather. The war that is going on, the abstürzenden Jet in an unprotected matter of lenken and then rightly the Schleudersitz his betätigen, reports the English-language Indische Zeitung «Hindustan Times».

The Indian Luftwaffe confirmed this version of the first in a post on the platform X (e.g. Twitter). Ersten Messages follow the Kampflugzeug-ways of a Systemtörung-abgestürzt signal. Der Vorfall will not be examined now.

Not the first Absturz

On September 2, the Indian Luftwaffe lost a Kampfflugzeug. Every war is a MiG-29, which solves a number of “critical technical problems” in Barmer in the Federal State of Rajasthan.

Introduced by the UdSSR in 1983, the MiG-29 was modernized by Indische Beschafft in 1987 and later, a new, challenging FortschRITen-rechnung.

On June 4, a Suchoi Su-30MKA was shot down near the Dorfes Shirasgaon in the Nashik district of Maharashtra. If you trade, it is one of the Russian Flugzeug. So the pilot as the co-pilot can do his best to use the Flugzeug. (lso)

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