
If the trend ensures longevity, who wouldn’t want to exercise more?

If the trend ensures longevity, who wouldn’t want to exercise more?

The fitness space was consciously shaped in a far-reaching manner.

The Besuch im new E-Pulsive Health Club in Küsnacht fühlt is one who has a Wellness tag with a sports lection. A bisschen Leiden gehört dennoch dazu.

The first mark is nothing. Man würde meinen, beim Betreten einer Eiskammer with minus 110 Grad sei kalt, eiskalt. But that’s not it. One, two, three Sekunden warten. Don’t immerse anything. It is one of the options that glicht the optical übergrossen Kühlschrank. Wasn’t it more rauskomme? Nor vor der Kälte kommt dieses Unbehagen. And then my plötzliche eiskalt would be.

Einatmen, ausatmen. If I am one of the instructors, the mirror of the electric Kryotherapy Chamber is a great experience, which also works like this. I’m poor when I’m done, I start lengthening my ab. If all goes well, you may have a deficiency. Besser ist aber, ich bleibe mindestens zweieinhalb Minuten here drin (Geübtere halten bis zu maximum four Minuten durch). Also blicke ich wieder geradeaus. See how the wind blows in the air, and you will be happy with warm warmth. The Füsse sind in dike Pantoffeln is packed, weil man sich sont verrennungen würde vom kalkten Boden, the Hände stecken in Handschuhen, and über the Kopf has ich a Baumwolltuch sucked. Abgesehen davon trägt man here drin nur Badebekleidung.

Soul of Treatment: Rejuvenation and Erholung. Most of the most studied studies, which appeal to the Kältekammer, are the quality of education, the reduction of effort and the short lifestyle on the jetty can. It helps reduce cellulite and skin irritation and take the highest punishment. A session costs 80 Francs. One of the first experiences with the most pain, there are others, those therapies that are applied regularly will quickly appear as soon as possible.

In the cryotherapy chamber there are temperatures of minus 110 degrees.

In the cryotherapy chamber there are temperatures of minus 110 degrees.

Vigo Jansons

Those who warm up can find themselves in the infrared and photobiomodulation sauna.

Those who warm up can find themselves in the infrared and photobiomodulation sauna.

Vigo Jansons

From July 2024, the E-Pulsive Fitness and Wellness Center in Küsnacht has had a holistic Ansatz. I think it’s a concept, which is longevity. Otherwise, it often happens that it is not so difficult to live longer, if all goes well. When we started working in London with Christian Koch and Eladio de Leon Martínez in the Fitness studio, they worked in three studios – in Kensington, Hampstead and in the 180 Health Club of the Member-Club-Kette Soho House. Küsnacht is his first standard in Switzerland and his first own standard studio.

Biohacking – was it complicated mind?

E-Pulsive is not a new fitness center, but a spa. The Cryotherapy Chamber offers an infrared and photobiomodulation sauna that provides an area for facial treatment and massage. Vitamin infusions were offered in collaboration with the Ivilounge medical team. Some drops are solen, in the form of an oral meal, a fast and efficient action of the dust faufnahme. If you would like to know, if you are a Körper benötigt, you will have to undergo a health check with a health check.

The Angebotspalet is one of the Wort Biohacking products that is a trend concept. The general idea is that “one’s own biosystem is almost a hacked computer”, explains Christian Koch. “Otherwise said: Health Optimierung.”

The power of the infusion therapy is on a couch.

The power of the infusion therapy is on a couch.

Vigo Jansons

Training with Blick on Lake Zurich.

Training with Blick on Lake Zurich.

Vigo Jansons

Entspannung und Aktivierung

Klingt nach Arbeit und Fleiss. If you want one of the Leiden people to call on the E-Pulsive Health Club, it is likely that you are in the Eiskammer or in the EMS Training, if you are following further training. That’s all, it’s a luxury user.

As a fitness raum, while one of the Holztüre could find one of the classic Personal Training and other EMS session statistics in the summer of 2012, he could go to Lake Zurich. Der Raum is a hellish figure, with warm color finishes and modern concrete elements. Christian Koch, an architect who studied the internal architecture and chose the interior concept, says: “Wools will create an exciting and energetic atmosphere.”

The new EMS training package is one of the lessons for classic Kraft training.

The new EMS training package is one of the lessons for classic Kraft training.

Vigo Jansons

Fresh Tücher and Wasser stehen prepared.

Fresh Tücher and Wasser stehen prepared.

Vigo Jansons

If you receive the Wellness Boost, this is no longer the case. For EMS training, a black Western experience is that the electrical impulses are never used more often. I look at my mirror and look at Lara Croft. Kurzes Briefing, then the time has come.

The private lessons that last a few minutes, the training is carried out efficiently. If the program is firmer, body weight may be affected by squeezing, falling, or plank position. The electrical impulse can now begin. The muskelpartie and the abstrache are high on the intensity of the trainer. If you find the best way to move, correct the performance and the highest mirror, then you can follow the training: Jewels of four secondary work are a contraction of Muskeln, and follow a break of four secures.

Optimization principle

The Ganzkörper training is intensive. Research was done on 98 Prozent aller Muskeln bean sprouts. If you want to build a house with a kraft paper, there are 30 gems available. The Muskelkater am nächsten Tag hat gezeigt: Zwanzig Minuten Sport sollten keineswegs unterschätzt.

With this Ansatz, while we are working with the utmost care, the Betreiber of E-Pulsive Health Club speaks a Soul Group that will probably provide a healthy lifestyle, in general this can be a problem and work. But is no longer a Zeitsparen, said Christian Koch. “When training as an athlete, that is a sin, if you can no longer train in the fitness center, if you are lazy, which is neither an extra during your training, herausholen wollen.” As a training on a broader level such as gold-plated technology – EMS used in physiotherapy – it is interesting for other people.

For a night of training stehen Umkleidekabinen with Duschen zur Refügung.

For a night of training stehen Umkleidekabinen with Duschen zur Refügung.

Vigo Jansons

All personal circumstances were disclosed in the Locker.

All personal circumstances were disclosed in the Locker.

Vigo Jansons

The power of Spass, once it is so, the abstinence from the attack on the electrical impulse will be a sure coordination. I’m happy, that’s how many minutes you’ll be able to enjoy.

After training, so maybe not so long ago, I would not do a few minutes of effort in the infrared and photobiomodulation sauna. You can play a music release on my smartphone and a musical instrument. Danach was lifted up by the Schutzbrille and I sat in the warm cabin. It’s a good idea to follow a program that includes working out at a spa center, focusing in the cup, and working in the kitchen after training. Before this problem occurs, it will end up in the frying chamber.



E-Pulsive health club
Kohlrainstraße 6b
8700 Kusnacht

Opening times

Montag bis Donnerstag: 7 a.m.–9 p.m
Freitag: 7am–8pm
Samstag: 8am–5pm

Preise Cryotherapy

Intro Biohacking (1× Kryo and 1× Sauna): 100 Francs
Single-Cryotherapy: 80 Francs
«Unlimited Biohacking»: 500 Francs pro Monat

Preise EMS training

Intro EMS (Probe Training): 80 Francs
Single private EMS session: 180 Francs
EMS session for one partner: 160 Francs