
Streit um Job in Thuringian AfD-Fraktion – Polizist klgt gegen Innenministerium

Streit um Job in Thuringian AfD-Fraktion – Polizist klgt gegen Innenministerium

After MDR Investigativ-Informationen, the Entscheidung der Polizeiführung, Schmidt in a sensible Bereich abzuordnen, in Polizeikreisen für Fragezeichen. In addition to the background that Schmidt has used for the Thuringian AfD faction outfit, the Landesverband van de Verfassungsbescherming is active. Inzwischen is a matter of pläne geben, Schmidt dort abzuziehen and woanders unterzubringen.

Beamte über Verfassungstreue belehrt

When the internal economy deals with the background of the Extremismus-Einstufung of the Thuringian AfD, light is shed on the Verfassungsstreue. This means that there is a political involvement with the AfD in Zweifel, a great position of power considering how serious a matter it has become for the police force in charge.

Droht Rauswurf from the Polizei?

After the MDR investigation into the fall of Schmidt’s police team in this case at the Ministry of the Interior and the Thuringian police investigation, this can be done. If one of the most important company doctors is a trainee who has started with the begründung ausweichen, he has won his job in the AfD faction and is no longer active in the police service.

That is not the case. Ask yourself the question: Is a solcher that Schmidt can now become? And if your passion was, would it be a problem to win and then win?

AfD-Fraktion criticizes Vorgang

The Ministry of the Interior is fully aware of the personal separation of the dating protection grounds, which was not possible. The national police department lies in an MDR Investigative Anfrage that contains an unanswered word. Auch Hermann Schmidt does not react to a breakup. When you say that, there is no mandate whatsoever that your press clippings bring to you.

Bleibt nor Schmidt’s bisheriger Arbeitgeber: the Thuringian AfD-Fraktion. Torben Braga, parliamentarian of the Geschäftsführer, said MDR Investigativ, which in this case fell under the mission of the Beamten rights that had become the AfD faction behind the bezielingsweise.

If you use a part of the Fraktion faction, this is one of the existing and geschätzter colleagues, whose function in the Fraktionsgeschäftsstelle cannot be performed.