
Richard Lugner (†91): Seine Simone will be busy during the start

Richard Lugner (†91): Seine Simone will be busy during the start

Mitte August verlor Simone Lugner in Mann Richard und wenige Wochen später dann auch in Job in his Unternehmen, de Kaufhaus “Lugner City”. But now that Lugner-Witwe will have a new Lebensmut, we will continue to do so.

+++ Richard Lugner & seine Simone: Warum gets schliefen +++

This new project is highly classified

I am working on “oe24” with Simone Lugner, who has new jobs in Aussicht. Ihr Dienstvertrag in der Lugner City lauft Mitte November aus. Ab dann is free.

“I solved a project on February 25. It doesn’t hurt to be different. Both are a secret, neither secret nor strong,” he said. If you were willing to act on your own, you will not be betrayed.

Is Simone strong on her own? It could be speculated that Simone might have had an idea of ​​Reality TV in Germany. The power you have when you run out of secrets, you will get a share of the ‘Promi Big Brother’ monarch.

And if Kohle thinks any more, the cost of staying at the Lugner Villa will disappear with all votes. With 300 square meters, swimming pool and garden, a major upgrade…