
Wien soll neuem Bündnis “Club der Großstädte” has been improved

Wien soll neuem Bündnis “Club der Großstädte” has been improved

Wien kommt für einen Beitritt zum neuen Bündnis in Frage.

Wien kommt für einen Beitritt zum neuen Bündnis in Frage.
©Canva (Sujet)

The “Club der Großstädte”, a new Bundnis initiative of Rome and Barcelona, ​​​​has solved the housing problems in Europe’s Großstädten. Auch Wien can solve the problem.

Rome and Barcelona have called the Gründung a “Clubs der Großstädte”, which have to deal with the housing problem in Europas Metropoles. Ziel, the Zugang zu Mietzuschüssen of the fördern, reported Roms Bürgermeister Roberto Gualtieri at a meeting with his Amtskollegen from Barcelona, ​​​​Jaume Collboni. The city is one of the best-known reports that the Romantic Tageszeitung “La Repubblica” has on the Mittwoch-berichtete.

Rome and Barcelona gründen “Club der Großstädte” voor Wohnungspolitik

Gualtieri and Collboni have started the Messe “Smart City World Congress” in Barcelona, ​​an extension of the Metropolen-nützlichen technology, and the Großstädte from the geese World toilnehmen.

Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, has resolved the financing of the problems with her home, resulting in Gualtieri and Collboni receiving a joint action plan. “Wollen einen direkten Dialog zwischen der EU en de Großstädten Start. The Club der Großstädte is a standard partner of the European Commission for a financing instrument and a program for solving the housing problem”, erklärte Gualtieri.

Mangel und günstigen Wohnungen: Wien kommt für Club in Frage

South of the cities, who lived for a lifetime in the Club in Frage, heard of Vienna, Warsaw, Paris, Lisbon, Amsterdam and Athens. They lead a mangle and a home with erschwinglichen Priesen and his time with the problem of mass tourism. Both phenomena are related to the Bürgermeistern of Rom and Barcelona. “The tourism must be regulated. If it must be prevented, the roads of the Massentourismus living for the residents in the city center,” said Gualtieri.

“There is a specific EU policy and program for housing construction and the housing problem when shifting problems. There are many instruments: from the most subsidies to the regulatory instruments, city therungsmaßnahmen, a häuser grüner and nachhaltiger zu gestalten” , say Gualtieri.