After the most important events, fans fell in the Pokalspiel against Energie Cottbus hat das Sportgericht des Fußball-Landesverbandes Brandenburg (FLB) den Regionalligisten SV Babelsberg 03 heart punished. Those who reported the “Märkische Oderzeitung” and the “Märkische Allgemeine” would receive a fine of 37,950 euros from the Club.

This was launched on the market in 2027 during the Landespokal period. If we have more fan-aussreitungen – egal in welchem ​​​​Wettbewerb – droht der Ausschluss aus dem Pokal für ein Jahr. The FLB or Babelsberg 03 were not for an extended period of time.

Angriff aus Spielerfrau

During the party in September the Drittligist dies out Cottbus Won with 3:2, the Babelsberger fans were defeated by all their Bengalos, Böller and Feuerwerksraketen. If the wife of energy actor Niko Bretschneider is attacked at the headquarters, the Hilfe island game will be attacked with beer.

Babelsberg can spoil your child’s insides for the first time. Play between Cottbus and Babelsberg gelten roads der painteindeten Fangruppen as Risikopartien.

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