
National League: Saarijärvi vom Emmental an den Geneva

National League: Saarijärvi vom Emmental an den Geneva

Wechselt on the last Saison of the SCL Tigers zu Servette: Vili Saarijärvi
Wechselt on the last Saison of the SCL Tigers zu Servette: Vili Saarijärvi


The Genève-Servette Hockey Club is located in Zukunft on the Finnish Importspieler. Now comes the first Zuzug fest.

From the SCL Tigers wechselt de Verteidiger Vili Saarijärvi on the next season for the second half of the Champions-League-Sieger, wie de Verein mitteilte on his website. The 27-year-old Verteidiger played a lively season in Emmental and came to visit 80 Skorerpunkte.

ck, sda