
Merz bei Steinmeier – Gespräch mit Scholz ergebnislos Von dpa-AFX

Merz bei Steinmeier – Gespräch mit Scholz ergebnislos Von dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Union Chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz has come to terms with Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier after his unfortunate encounter with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). Who is the Scholz-dürfte, the downfall of the CDU-Vorsitzenden with the government bonds of the Bruch of the Ampel-Regiering is a Fahrplan that is a raschen Neuwahl. Steinmeier and Merz spent four of August doing other things.

Scholz will hold talks with Merz and a signal Announcement fest, the Vertrauensfrage in Bundestag on January 15. January will be set and then a prepared Bundestagswahl End March will be relived. I think there is a waiting period in the second half of January. The trade union faction in the Bundestag demands from Kanzler in a final decision, the Vertrauensfrage sofort, spaetens aber Anfang nächster Woche zu set.

Merz: Tragen Scholz-Vorstellungen zur Schuldenbremse nicht mit

Scholz hatte Merz am Vorabend angeboten, rasch gemeinsam nach Lösungen zur Stärkung der Wirtschaft and der Verteidigung zusuch. Zudem released the Kanzler into one of the indebtedness, which started with the Russian Angriffskrieg in the Ukraine.

If the union was formed in the kanzleramt by the German trade union faction, the union with the kanzler first became a government or a head of government in the Bundestag, when it was formed in the kommenden of the vertrauensfrage. In the Sitzung der Unionsfraktion Merz nach Angaben aus Teilnehmerkreisen said, “a cancellation of the debts and other SPD Vorhaben, who is the Bundeskanzler, is offended during the frost, while the Union nicht mittragen”.