
Bundesligist St. Pauli started a Genossenschaft

Bundesligist St. Pauli started a Genossenschaft

Start of the FCSP Genossenschaft: Peter Tschentscher (SPD, l), Erster Bürgermeister der Freien and Hansestadt Hamburg, and Oke Göttlich, chairman of FC St. Pauli.
Start of the FCSP Genossenschaft: Peter Tschentscher (SPD, l), Erster Bürgermeister der Freien and Hansestadt Hamburg, and Oke Göttlich, chairman of FC St. Pauli.


FC St. Pauli has developed the Startschuss for a Genossenschaftsmodel. This is the first art in German Profifussball.

FC St. Pauli is the power on one, in the German Profifussball an evil Finanzierungsweg. With a Feier in the Beisein under another von Hamburgs, Bürgermeister Peter Tschentscher (SPD) started the Bundesliga-Aufsteiger his Genossenschaftsmodell.

«Sankt Pauli will allow the Mitbestimmung», said Vereinspräsident Oke Göttlich in the Ballsaal in the South Stand of the Millerntor-Stadions and would give a später hint: «Last uns Geschichte schreiben.» Tschentscher bezeichnete das Modell as «genius, compelling idea». When you see the Faust on Auge zum FC St. Pauli.

Soul: 30 million euros

Offiziell the Zeichnung der Anteile am Sonntag starts at 10:00 am. The football cooperative Sankt Pauli (FCSP eG) of the Verein gründete Genossenschaft would be more heitlich if the Stadiongesellschaft started, the Anteilseigner became as Mitbesitzer in the Millerntor-Stadion. Pro Anteil müssen Interessierte 850 Euro zahlen, davon sind 100 Euro Gebühren. The ambitious Ziel des Vereins is worth 30 million euros.

This gilded art of financing is more critical and democratic. “If the idea no longer exists, power is one of the accomplices,” said Göttlich a Tag for the Bundesliga-Spiel in the Samstag of the Rekordmeister Bayern Munich. «We lost one idea.»

Debt and Weiterentwicklung

The Genossinnen and Genossen – sprich de Anteilseigner – have an independence from the Zahl in Anteile jewels now a stimme. A wesentlicher is de üblichen Wirtschaftsformen in Profifussball who is the AG, the GmbH or the Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (KGaA).

Auch aus der Profi-Mannschaft would interest and anteilen laut. Neben Trainer Alexander Blessin got Kapitän Jackson Irvine in the South German Zeitung and: ‘Klar! If you start with an anteilsschein, a stimulation right is guaranteed. It is the wisest. We’ll see the rest.»

During the Verkauf der Anteile, FC St. Pauli will go to other Darlehen for the Stadium and zurückzuzahlen the Corona-Darlehen. Money for the modernization of the stadiums, for the training center and the training center in Kollaustrasse and for the use of the football boots. While FC St. Pauli’s debt becomes more flexible, its creditworthiness can no longer be increased and credit can no longer be extended to the outstanding banks.
