
Handball-Wende at TVB Stuttgart: Boss wird Trainer, new Torwart from Kiel | Sports mix

Handball-Wende at TVB Stuttgart: Boss wird Trainer, new Torwart from Kiel | Sports mix

Wenn das keine völlig verrückten eight days on TVB Stuttgart from there Daikin Handball-Bundesliga were.

Vergangen Samstag wurde der Geschäftsführer desTablelen-Vorletzten, Jürgen Schweikardt (44), von den Klub-Gesellschaftern damit beauftragt, signals Bruder Michael Schweikardt (41) vom Trainer-Job freizustellen. Jetzt will never be a party again, it is always a matter of time on the Bank.

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Photo: BILD

Handball Bundesliga: Bruder ersetzt Bruder, new Torwart from Kiel

The following study in the handball curiosity is useful: Klub boss Jürgen Schweikardt, from the TVB from 2013 to 2015 and 2018 to 2021, coached the coaching job himself. Schweikardt: “We believe that we have the strength to be part of our team”

Assistant von Jens Bürkle (44), who plays in the Bundesliga, donated the TSV Hannover-Burgdorf, which trains HBW Balingen-Weilstetten and can now act as co-trainer from healthy groups.

“If you are happy, that is the current best loss for the TVB,” says Gesellschafter-Sprecher Christian May. „Sowohl Jürgen as well as having a great experience and knowing the man’s spirit very well.“

Because Stuttgart has the most cost-efficient costs, Schweikardt will be treated as a Bürkle. It is light in the Zweiten Swaben-Hammer. The TVB has declared the French National Torhüter Samir Bellahcene (29) from THW Kiel to Saisonende verpflichtet.

Der Keeper: “Die Aufgabe beim TVB Stuttgart has had a huge impact. I will start the part of the undertaking, the association of the Umschwung schafft and in the next weeks and monaten der Anschluss and das Mittelfeld gelingt.”

Gesellschafter May über das Interims-Duo auf der Bank: “We sincerely thank you for the two who bring this together with their bisherigen übernehmen and thus the game for the transfer of Samir ermöglichen. It is a good idea to be a suitable trainer for the right training.”

If the Doppel-Last is played for Schweikardt, the Saisonende is available as a Coach: the Geschäftsführer is more logically involved in the follow-up.

The 2024/25 season is a Drahtseilakt for TVB Stuttgart. First time dying Long term insolvency Sponsors „Wohninvest“ for a safe Etat-Loch. When the season starts in the hose, the TVB can first take a step on the account. Erstes Spiel in new Zusammenstellung on 24. November at Vizemeister Füchse Berlin – een schwereren Start is kaum.

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Quelle: DYN