
Pulverfass Trump is treibt Deutschland zur Eile

Pulverfass Trump is treibt Deutschland zur Eile

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Deutschlands Bürger became bald as a new direction, so it was noticeable that the schmutzige Trennung der Ampel fest. With the good taste of Schwall and Vorwürfen, den Chancellor Scholz the financial minister’s hinterfief is in a position to speak for everything else in the Netherlands: The Wahlkampf is offnet, but you fight for your own party.

In die Wettstreit, a Frage in political Berlin auch an diesem Montag dominates: Do you want to put the German language in the Wahllokale stream and in your cross?

The opposition calls for Neuwahlen, so quickly who can move forward, was legally settled under Wahrung Fristen Januar bedeutet. The SPD’s Kanzlerpartei revolves around Bremse: Scholz’s Vertrauensfrage will first be set in 2025, while Neuwahlen will not be until March or April.

Both days are in line with party political interests. Scholz will not have been able to cope with a few Girlanden or a few of the breakthroughs, a disastrous Regierungszeit. After the Motto: Schaut nur, ohne die FDP and Lindner, everything would have been possible!ßern des Bildes
Discussion about the directions: Kanzler Scholz (l.), CDU chief Merz. (Quelle: Hannes P Albert/dpa)

The Kanzler zur Seite stehen Denkenträger wie de Bundeswahlleiterin. It takes a while as one of the newcomers and one of the two times of peinliche pans sold by the Weihnachtszeit that you get in Berlin. There is an argument that a, much heavier, other absurd reason – and that is not good paper for the Wahlzettel that can be used.

CDU chief Merz hinges, the Scholz for his beauty surgical project as well as health benefits, cannot repeat a common sense. Where sollte is now a small Zeh hinein ins Ampelgrab setzen?

Let the paper pan and for all the participatory policy, the Deutschland make its money with the Viperngift, a man can now see a Fazit: He braucht Neuwahlen in Deutschland, and that is as quick as possible. Der Hauptgrund dafür liegt nicht etwa in Berlin, sondern sitzt schon bald beef 6,700 Kilometer Luftlinie entfernt im Weißen Haus: Donald Trump.

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German occupier: Trump at the party after the US-Wahl in Florida. (Quelle: IMAGO/Matias J. Ocner/imago)

On January 20, Trump said who led the powerful Amt der Welt. From Tag we will continue to communicate the slogan “America First”, which will never be forgotten. A lot has changed for a long time, many people have an idea, it is a telephony with control throughout the world. A retrospective view of the long-established transatlantic Bundnisse lies ihm dabei fern. Fear and anxiety are common when we see the Germans.

Trump played a major role in Germany, when the American Wahlkampfs phase had begun in one of the largest security phases of its life. Ankündigungen und Andeutungen sich des Powers zu die Spending des Power, die geschwächte Bundesrepublik-Wirtschafts- und Veridigungspolitisch noch weiter aus der Bahn zu werfen.

“If I don’t know what I’ve done, I have to do it”, it has only been a few months since a Wahlkampfveranstaltungen has appeared in the German language. “I said to Angela: Angela, you didn’t do anything.” The Germans hated the USA “over the Tisch”.

Trump can now have a common opinion: the Beitrag Deutschlands will give the representatives of NATO and the Discussions with Angela Merkel’s harmful Bundeskanzler a huge advantage. After all: The Federal Republic is in the “Zeitenwende” under Scholz here deutlich nachgesteuert. It is possible that the German Rekordzahlungen and the Verteidigungsbündnis sales – in the high degree of the long geforderten zwei Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) and that their costs increase.

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Little best friend: Trump and Merkel at Herbst 2019 at the UN-Zentrale in New York. (Quelle: White House via

Trump has never had a good feeling. There are experts from Umfeld who cross the Zahlungen in the height of the three Prozent des BIP. And while we see Trump flirting in the most popular form with a maximization: Zahlt – or the US is in the lurch.

Trump is in danger of being exposed to others, in this country he is vulnerable: “There are no things we do, but we become a Mercedes, BMWs, Volkswagen, Millionen and Millionen Davon,” he says with Blick auf German Autobauer. The EU activity is like “Mini-China”, which makes a lot of money in the US through exports, but it will no longer work.

Vielsagend sprach is always and always wieder a economic political massnahme seine Liebe from: If you see “Zoll” from “schönste Wort in the Wörterbuch”.it was warm. Ganz could count on 60 percent of Chinese products, 100 percent of cars from Mexico and 10 to 20 percent of products from the rest of the world.

Of course Trump is a Töser, a populist. In the way of things, war has never been a populist in the Wahlkampf. Stärker und zügiger aber als oder populists, die ein Regierungsmacht, Kracht is zijn versprechen in zijn beste Amtszeit wahr. A commodity with the rest of the world belongs to Zaun – and it may even be that it is: Zöllen.

Deutsche Autobauer geben sich noch noget. Analysts and experts on Trump’s Drohungen seriousness. The “Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft” warned at the end of the day: Sollte Trump has made a great contribution to the development of the American Wirtschaft here and has affected all branches of the Maschinenbau, Automobil and Pharma industries.

Ganz so arg muss is nicht kommen. In any case, Trump’s experts have taken into account that Germany has not established new treaties and markets in the states of China, nor for the EU on the Abschussliste-steht.

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Volkswagen-Werk in Emden: The Autobauer steckt in der Krise, three Werke will be there. (Quelle: IMAGO/diebildwerft/imago)

“Unreproachable” If the Wort has appeared, with the bald President President Trump, I have set high standards. The US view of another, image below: “loose cannon”was as bad as “tickende Zeitbombe” or “wandelndes Pulverfass”.


