
Wellness: 7 things solltest you in the sauna not machen

Wellness: 7 things solltest you in the sauna not machen

The sauna is completely relaxing. Gerade deshalb is heavy, on a few lines of eights.

The use in the sauna is strong for the immune system, ensures overall health, says the highest and has a positive effect on the short fitness experience.

While it may be the case that people do one thing on such a large scale, others have no intention of responding.

When the temperature is high, the climate in the sauna can rise, so you can sit on the beach of Grundsätze for a few times. Here are the correct rules for the sauna.

1. No access to the sauna

Nackte Haut is the most natural in the world in the sauna cabin. Deshalb sind Bikini, Badehose und Badelatschen tabu. The synthetic materials block the heat from the tall ferns and are unhygienic. If you look at Schmuck, you can perform your verbennungen.

A handbag that you can use to enjoy your stay: It serves as a seat and with the sauna edition it can be covered.

2. After the Sauna: Duschen nicht vergessen

Before considering the sauna area solltest du duchen. Was het gründlich en trockne dich ab. Then the first gang can start.

After using the sauna, it is worthwhile to sit in the sauna before entering the sauna.

3. Do not place the shed on the Pelle rücken

Please take into account an armlänge Platz on the Nachbarn and berühre sein Handtuch nicht.

Quetsche dich nicht in Lücken and mach neuen Gästen Platz, damn those that ebenfalls could be avoided. It is an English language that describes your own property situation. Frag, it’s okay if you did this.

4. Avoid Zwiebeln, Knoblauch and Alkohol am Vortag

Hitze verstärkt de Geruch der Körperausdünstungen. Other than that, you should also test your ability to drink alcohol, alcohol and alcohol. You will certainly get an impression of a sauna that is so wonderful.

5. Ruhig signal

The sauna is very suitable for the tribe or the fitness studio. Verschiebe anger at someone else or no longer than anything, nur in Flüsterton. It may be that the Handys are erwünscht.

6. No stars

Stars are taboo! If we have deine Traumfrau bzw. the in Traummann recommended that Sauna hat. Intime Zärtlichkeiten mit deinem Partner is welcome at the House – the Sauna is not a Swinger Club.

7. Unangenehme Begegnungen

Hilfe – my college! Jetzt heißt es: Ruhe save. Triffst du Mitarbeitende, Vorgesetzte or some other person, who will never see here – will be cool.

Nicke is free to work by hand and do that, the person who is not directly gegenüber. If you feel yourself, you can take the silent path. Beherzigst du all diese Ratschläge, steht entspannten Tag in de Saunalandschaft nichts meer im Wege.