
Sommerhaus der Stars 2024: Dieses Paar hat die Show

Sommerhaus der Stars 2024: Dieses Paar hat die Show

Jede Menge Zoff, Tränen, Geschrei und Streit: The active staff of the RTL show „Das Sommerhaus der Stars“ deals with Menge’s highlights. Make sure that the Pärchen have power over the proceeds of 50,000 Euro.

The “Sommerhaus” is not as big as the finale. On November 12, the Sieger Couple was officially introduced to RTL streaming service RTL+. I am Free TV läuft die Folge first in der darauffolgenden Woche, am 19. November 2024.

“Sommerhaus der Stars” 2024: Sieger-Paar steht fest

Achtung Spoiler, wer noch nicht foutahren will, welches Paar won hat, sollte hier nicht weiterlesen!

Everything for Theme RTL

Nice couple of teams with the Gewinn: Alessia Herren (22) and Can, Sam Dylan (33) and Rafi Rachek (34), Theresia Fischer (32) and Stefan Kleiser, Umut Tekin (27) and Emma Fernlund (23) and Lorik Bunjaku (28) and Denise Hersing (28). Ben Ende ranks Denise and Lorik see Sam and Rafi in the final.

And if you want some of the champions playing in the Spielen, it’s worth seeing Ende Sam Dylan and Rafi Rachek de Sieg – and that 50,000 Euro! Denise and Lorik land on Platz zwei.

In the active Staffel, it is intended that Menge Zoff zwei Paaren, who chooses a Vorfall for Schluss, goes further than the following: Umut goes to the Nominierungssitzung der zehnten Folge auf Rafi los.

Read here: “Summer House of the Stars” Nach Sex-Beichte: Alessia Herren komplett angeekelt von Freund Can

Bereits in der neunten Folge der Show kam es zu unerwarteten Wendungen. Gloria Glumac and Michael have to miss the show, while their opposite partners Sam and Rafi have been nominated. As a result of intense emotions and intense emotions, Gloria Wasser is on Rafi’s schüttete. Gloria comes to the Vorfall and sees Sam and Rafi as “Verräter”. Sam blew up and remains flat on his stomach.

Fans of the summer houses often continue with drama after the finale: if the next next step is still a weeder, Frauke Ludowig moderates. A child will receive a severe blow…

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