
Kalte Füße trotz Socken? The Ursache Sein may be damaged

Kalte Füße trotz Socken? The Ursache Sein may be damaged

Ständig eiskalte Füße? A mangle and this drive element can use the Ursache function. Here’s more!

Kalte Füße is one of the most important themes in the herbal and winter season. Often very warm socks or the right kind of sanding. When we are back in the Wetter, you can no longer use the Ursache, but it is a Blick on the Ernahrung. There are no indications of a problem with the eiskalten.

Jodmangel can blow off the airflow

One of the people who received Ursachen is a message on “”. Jod is an essential part of the product, it is a product for the production of thyroid hormones. This hormone is less important for the functioning of temperature than for others that regulate temperature. A yodmangle can cause one of the most common problems.

Jod kommt vor allem in Meeresfrüchten, Fisch und Algen vor. If you are vegetarian or vegan, you may be into Jodsalz decks. When it comes to the extreme conditions, it is not possible for the factory tower to deepen, but there can be a shield drüsenunterfunktion by Jodmangel.

A brief burst may occur

Neben Jodmangel gibt es nor other Ursachen für kalte Füße, zum Beispiel aine schlechte Durchblutung. These can be affected by new bruises or arteriosclerosis. If Blutarmut has hervorgerufen through the Eisenmangel, it may be that the Sauerstoffversorgung in the Körper is very effective.

Eisenmangel is one of the most important Ursachen for Blutarmut, especially among Frauen. Symptom of the occurrence of burdens and blisters on a single mangle. In the Solchen Fällen the required requirements can be met.

B-Vitamin and Folsäure for warm Füße

Like a mangle and vitamins B12 and B9 (Folsäure) can be poisoned. This vitamin is of great importance for the imaging and the amount of nutrients that are added. Especially grünes Blattgemüse, Hülsenfrüchte, Nüsse and Vollkorn products are a rich and complete product.

Vitamin B12 ensures that all levels of sustenance are promoted, vegan people are treated in a natural way.

Wichtig: Ärztlichen Rat einholen

Wer regularly one of the most common problems is that there are a few aufsuchen. This information does not contain any treatment and will never be used by self-therapy.