
Italian Schlusslicht der EU: Een Drittel der Absolventen bleibt nach drei Jahren ohne Job

Italian Schlusslicht der EU: Een Drittel der Absolventen bleibt nach drei Jahren ohne Job

Nur 67.5% of 20 to 34 year olds in Italy find an inner half of three years after ihrem Abschluss an Anstellung, as Eurostat data say.


Long ago, after I made the recommendation for EU Absolvents, the inner half of three years after the Abschluss found a job. The new Eurostat data started a year ago at 1.1 Prozentpunkte Swiss 2022 and 2023 – a Zuwachs at 9 Prozentpunkte Seit 2013.

A shock in this period would now be caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Derzeit lies the European Beschäftigungsquote at 83.5%. Malta has a high quote with 95.8%, followed by the Netherlands with 93.2%, Deutschland with 91.5% and Österreich with 89%.

Italians lie day by day: Now 67.5% of the 20 to 34 year olds purchase them, within half of three years after their retirement, they will find out.

These statistics do not mean that the large amount of irregular workers in Italy will soon be estimated by millions of people – the target is quickly 13% of the erwerbsbevölkerung des Landes.

In Australian study results in the German mainland: 24% of the study results in Australia, which are in the EU studies, are lonely, followed by France with 16%.