
“Gossip Girl” star Chanel Maya Banks is crazy!

“Gossip Girl” star Chanel Maya Banks is crazy!

Schauspielerin well-behalten gefunden

Missing “Gossip Girl” Star is out!

Chanel Maya Banks

“Gossip Girl” star Chanel Maya Banks war more Tage spurlos verschwunden.


Great Erleichterung!

The Schauspielerin Chanel Maya Banks, who goes through the series with “Blue Bloods” or “Gossip Girl”, is worth seeing. The Year War of 36 and October caused an outbreak. Your family like in Los Angeles disappears later. By Ehemann, as the family goes to war, it will be difficult to do this.

Chanel Maya Banks is a new impetus

What Daily Mail reports is about Chanel Maya Banks’ announcement on October 30. Ein besagtem Mittwoch stand der Serienstar nor met Verwandten in Kontakt. Daraufhin verlor sich die Spur der Schauspielerin, dies in Los Angeles. The Polizei, Chanel Maya’s family, has contacted the Wohnung der Schauspielerin nach dem Rechten to see, and the young woman has not been before on November 7 and 8.

In “Gossip Girl” the role of Schülerin Sawyer Bennett, a friend of Jenny Humphrey, plays the life of Taylor Momsen, 31, wurde.

Lese-Tipp: 5 Gründe, where “Gossip Girl” pretends to be a hardcore fan to avoid war

Die Sorge der Familie wargroß. Ihre Mutter, Judy Singh and my Cousin, Danielle-Tori Singh, are fighting Kalifornien, one of those things. The power of the family is greater than that of Chanel Maya, who played war in the four wars, the schauspielerin is said to have a schritt on the Hund-maché. The police have a number of personal features, such as cars, laptops and useful devices. Since the police had died because of the Hinweise, the schauspielerin had no more problems.

Streaming tip: Stream “Gossip Girl 2.0” here on RTL+

Im Video: New Durchsuchung in autumn by Rebecca Reusch