
Benkos Mutter zahlt Sohn die Villenmiete

Benkos Mutter zahlt Sohn die Villenmiete


Because Rene Benko has drawn a new facet: Benko has a bankruptcy debt at the subsistence level of his existence, it is his family who are in the villa in Igls. Die Miete dafür zahle seine Mutter,berichtete der “Standard” op de Donnerstag.

Immerhin power die Rechnung für das Haus 238.500 Euro monatlich aus. Benko liesß the fresh Schlosshotel abreißen and the new Gebäude um round 60 Mio. Errichten Euro. Allerdings hat de Immobilie is not that Benko calls on the Schlosshotel Igls Betriebs GmbH & Co KG, a Gesellschaft for the hunt for Laura Privatstiftung. The foundation with a high immobility capacity would be founded by Benko and my mother Mutter, starts with my mother, my wife and my children.

Laura Privatstiftung in privileged position

The Betriebsgesellschaft schloss in September with Benkos Mutter rückwirkend a Mietvertrag über the “Benko-Villa”. The monatliche net housing could yield a fixed value of 238,500 euros. Included is that I made the small amount of the invention at a height of 57,000 Euro. It is a matter of a sub-negotiation or an umbrella of the Villa, which begins the privatization of Laura or if further reports have appeared, reports about the Tageszeitung.

View of the Benko Villa


The Schlossähnliche Villa im Innsbrucker Stadtteil Igls

Signa Holding has paid a price since 2021. Below the premium it is ‘fremdüblich’, if it is a good idea to invest investment capital. Entsprechende Entscheidungen des Verwaltungsgerichtshofes würden dies stale. The foundation is established by the money you earn. Schließlich flies in part of the Ausschüttungen and Benkos Mutter wieder zurück in the Stiftung.