
Jumplists in start menus and more new experiences in the trial version › Dr. Windows

Jumplists in start menus and more new experiences in the trial version › Dr. Windows

Jumplists in start menus and more new experiences in the trial version › Dr. Windows

Programs that start under Windows 11 and the Start menu can go one step further, a beispielsweise by right-clicking on the desired date. These and other new experiences will be found in the test and will also not be implemented as an optional update in November.

View version 23H2 and version 24H2 can release updates in the release preview Channel for insider updates. The assembly of the device is almost identical to the function. Any new messages about the “gradual rollout” were likely that they were not automatically activated, but would be sourced from Microsoft.

The changelogs can be found on the Windows Insider Blog:

This is the case since the Neuerungen (automatic overset in German):

  • (Start menu) No! If you click on apps with the permissions, you can go to the start menu to listen to apps, which you can download.
  • (Taskliste) No! A date and time frame were set in the task list. If you use the Benachrichtigungsglockensymbol, it is no longer possible when you activate the Switch for “Nicht disturben”. If the clock symbol is no longer displayed, click on the date and time, a message in the Benachrichtigungszentrale analysis. About the language of the date and time of day, see what it is Installations > Zeit en Sprache > Datum en Zeit. Activate the schedule for the time and date in the task list. Um the Glockensymbol anzuzeigen, gehen Sie zu Installations > System > Benachrichtigungen. Activieren Sie den Schalter für „Benachrichtigungen“. You can view these settings in context. Click one of the rights to the hour or clock symbol in the task.
  • (Touch screen) No! This update is a new addition to the touchscreen edge display. Gehen Sie > Installations > Bluetooth and devices. When you turn the knob, you can use the Touch controls to link the permissions or perform the action.
  • (Maus) No! (available from version 23H2) Mit diesem Update has arrived the Einstellungen > Bluetooth and equipment > Maus the option to disable the extended Mauszeigergenauigkeit hinzugefügt. A new option is available, a direction you can choose in the Maus scroll.
  • (Task Manager)
    • No! The Dialogfelder „Tlopen“ and „Abmelden“ unlock the Dunkelmode and the Textcalierung.
    • No! Im Abschnitt “Leistung” is nun der Typ für jeden Datenträger angezeigt.
  • (Eingabe Methods Editor (IME)) No! After installing these updates, the IME icons will be displayed if apps are found in full image mode. Once it does, the IME symbol will become active and the Chinese or Japanese Zeichen will be enabled.
  • (Datei Explorer) No! You can use the context menus in Datei-Explorer and on the desktop on an Android device. This feature is used to use your Phone Link on your PC installation and configuration.
  • (IFilters) No! Windows Search führt IFilter in Less Privileged App Containers (LPAC) aus. LPACs with App-Container can provide more permissions by default. A process running in one of the LPAC systems while Zugriff is coming from the sources is useful. The process can focus on sensible system components and dating. If the potential damage is reduced, a compromise process can be carried out.
  • (Seite “Dynamische Beleuchtungseinstellungen”)
    • No! At the moment when a page has become a platzhaltermeldung, there are no compatible devices and computer computers available. Turn off the control for a ramping action and a deactivating effect.
    • No! With this update, the options “Vorwärts”, “Rückwärts”, “Nach außen” and “Nach innen” are changed. The “Verlauf” effect is enhanced by the “Vorwärtsrichtung” option.
  • (Narrator) No! There is a new mode of operation for the operation of the device. With the Option Eingefügte Links overjumping (N’) können Sie zum Text nach ainem Link navigieren. This is no more than Hilfreich, as you navigate through long emails, reference articles and Wiki pages. You can read Mit Zu Listen (L’) on a list on a website or in a document. If these new functions are active, you must perform the Sprachhausgabe activities (Win-Taste + Strg + Eingabetaste), then activate the Scan mode, reimburse the Feststelltaste + Leertaste-drücken and use the new flavor combinations “N” and “L”. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Scan-Modus auf de meisten Webseiten (wiie Nachrichtenartikelenn, Wiki-Seiten usw.) ist standardeingeschaltet.
  • (Sprache in Windows) No! Speak and text pronunciations are not available under Windows. Benutzern von Sprachhausgabe, Sprachzugriff, Liveuntertitlen, Liveübersetzungen und Spracheingabe kann und Spracheingabe und Spracheingabe, in dem es sich dass einem beschreibung, und Sprachdateien-manual zu Activate. The statements are listed separately in the Microsoft Store.
  • (settings) No! Customized experiences are your personalization in the Out-of-Box-Erfahrung (OOBE). You will find it on the Seite Empfehlungen and Angebote. Gehen Sie zu Installations > Data Protection & Security. Here you can use the enabled settings to send the data in your device, a Windows version will be displayed.

Over the Author

Martin Geuss

Martin Geuss

As Martin Geus, and whoever recognizes you, you enter the Windows world of your home. Since more than 17 years I have been living in the world, I have been familiar with Windows and other Microsoft products through the Kopf, and this is still interesting. The most important Motto for my work: Von mir – für Euch!