
It prevented Luftseilbahn-Projekt in der Schweiz

It prevented Luftseilbahn-Projekt in der Schweiz

Leonardo Torres Quevedo planted a Bahn am Pilatus in 1890. Als Ausländer schlug ihm Skepsis entgegen.

Leonardo Torres did not dare to use this Seilbahn on Pilatus Bauen. Schliesslich is located in San Sebastián.

Leonardo Torres did not dare to use this Seilbahn on Pilatus Bauen. Schliesslich is located in San Sebastián.

On June 4, 1889 with the Zahnradbahn von Alpnachstad (Obwalden) on the Pilatus open road – a technical masterwork with a very strong Steigung von 48 Prozent. Visit the Spanish engineer Leonardo Torres Quevedo’s idea for a lift, which was built by the Gipfel des Pilatus on the other side, see more about the Nidwaldner Boden lieden Hotel Klimsenhorn on the ground – 465 meters long, height: 194 metres, a cabin for eight people If you have an unacceptable portion of When you hang up the loaded loads, you will be treated by a damp machine. Der Zugang zur Bergstation sollüber Obwaldner Boden führen.

The Vertreter der Zahnradbahn is alarming: «In more information» a project Nachteile for the Bahn can be carried out, that the Unternehmen and the Obwaldner Regierung schreibt. This sparrow, like Jene von Nidwalden, separated the daredevil railway project, but is the only railway department for its own sake. The Luftseilbahn is similar to the Eisenbahn, which travels from Bern. In the field of the Swiss Ingenieur- und Architektenvereins (SIA), there is not a moisture schiff that does not see the Eisenbahn – and falls under the Obhut des Eisenbahn departments.

Please note that the argument of the Bahngesellschaft is so one and part of the konzessions companions is so. Erstaunlich has no intention, the Obwaldner Landammann is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zahnradbahn. Everyone else sees people in Nidwalden: On May 29, 2017, since a week for the opening of the railway, the Cantonal Parliament Leonardo Torres has established the Konzession für seine Luftseilbahn.

In the “Schweizerische Bauzeitung” the SIA starts a fundamental effort in the project of the Spanish Engineers. It is possible that the house remains closed while one of the “eisernen cupboards” is closed. «Who is worthy to die in Switzerland for the bourgeois world of that country?» Before the only man has the Verantwortung not in the Kantonen-überlassen, “when an unbekannter Unternehmer Seine Seilbahn in the Luft Hängt”.

Der Ingenieur Leonardo Torres Quevedo 1921. The Swiss have discovered the Fähigkeiten des spanische Erfinders.

Der Ingenieur Leonardo Torres Quevedo 1921. The Swiss have discovered the Fähigkeiten des spanische Erfinders.

August Leon

In the Zeitungen the project and the Spanish period have started to be polemicized. However, it was still the case that the «Nidwaldner Volksblatt» was written in 1891, when they were both verbrüderten for several years. Völkerschaften von Ob- und Nidwalden “roaden eines Spaniolen” paint ends. We would like to take a bird’s-eye view, this air force would go with his machines and his life on this playful play set, he is an “Obwaldner People’s Friend”. The «Nidwaldner Volksblatt» states: «The project of a flexible Drahtseilbahn on the Pilatus yard in the Presse a Beurtheilung, which again could be neither safe nor vorurtheils-free.»

Torres are working on their project. «Obacht!», said on 9. May 1891 about one inserat, das er in Zeitungen schalten lässt. Man starts with the jump for the Bau der Luftseilbahn. The public is bitten, the Anweisung der Wachen zu befolgen – «zur Hütung von Unglücksfällen in Folge herabstromender Steine». Kurz darauf eskaliert der Streit: The Pilatusbahn-Gesellschaft considers itself with the Obwaldner Regierung über the Sprengarbeiten, with these «Springstücke on the ganzen Platz hereumfliegen». One of these products flew into the kitchen of the Bellevue hotels. The stone lies in the letter.

When the Bauführer comes across the brand name of power, it is no longer needed and his work is fortified. Weil the Nidwaldner government has not reacted so quickly to the Kanton Obwalden and the Bundesrat. Something may have happened. The Bundesrat tut, there is no intention of being bitten. After time passed, the development towards a stronger display has started all over the world.

Although the construction work itself is concerned, the Kanton Nidwalden demands the first for the employment of the Railroad until the end of 1893. In the Zwischenzeit, the Bund will not be in the end of the debate. Josef Zemp, from the Eisenbahn department, did not stop the Luftseilbahn-grundsätzlich for his best genius. It is not notorious that Switzerland is an experiment with a refinement system. “It is not the case that the history of the Herrn Torres is a fundamental naturalization of the Bergbahn-wesens rebeizuführen.”

The changes made by the Bundesrat over the years, not only because of the railway regulations, but also because of the Postal Regulations of 1849, became important. There are no passenger transport services. That Gesetz found that it was so in one of the revisions, but Torres would de Sache nun zu fell. It is in the Mut-verlassen, when we begin the project, which is written at the end of 1893 and the Nidwaldner government.

If it is so, then it is true that the Switzerland removes the «Spanioles» dams: Leonardo Torres war a great opportunity for engineer and seeker. There are other new air forces that have built the theoretical foundations for research engines – and they may have turned out well. In 1912 there were the first functional Schachautomaten (the ever-lasting game of the King and the Tower). Gilded underneath as one of the Pioneers of the Funkfernsteuerung.

The Seilbahn, which is not built in Switzerland, was founded in San Sebastián in 1907, as a connection to a construction park on Monte Ulia. The war had never started when the Swiss Pioneer put the first tourist railway into service in 1908 – the Wetterhornaufzug in Grindelwald. The Gleiche Seilbahnsystem used Torres 1916 for a Tourist Luftseilbahn at the Niagara Falls. The «Whirlpool Aero Car» is not good in Betrieb.