
Who wants BSW among the Wählern punks

Who wants BSW among the Wählern punks

Who wants BSW among the Wählern punks

Sahra Wagenknecht: The inhalation of the BSW is strongly based on the naming of the parties involved. (photo alliance / dpa / Christoph Soeder)
The Bundes-Sahra Wagenknecht is not yet a young party, and was given the opportunity to investigate the Bundestagswahlen in Parliament on February 23, 2025.

We were happy with the BSW in January 2024. The efforts of the future leaders for the EU Parliament in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg could also be fulfilled by the first legacy. In Erfurt and Potsdam the parties can be treated bare. The Bund doesn’t look good.

Beim Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ist der Name Programm. The evil politics of the PDS and the später of the left party is naming geber and such a Spitzencandidate. Wagenknechts Popularität hat zum Aufstieg der am 27. January 2024 gründeten Partei maßgeblich beigetragen.

The October ZDF politbarometer places Wagenknecht among the most influential political core in Germany. In the first place that has appeared on the Platz, there is a hint at the evil Minister of Finance Christian Lindner (FDP) and the German chief Alice Weidel of the AfD.

Keine Kanzlerkandidatur von Wagenknecht

As a Chancellor candidate, Wagenknecht will never fail. Limitless is here from Grünen-Politiker and Bundeswirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck ab.

“We will go back and forth in Umfragen. The man normally does not raise any Kanzlercandidates,” said Wagenknecht.

BSW chef Wagenknecht has reached the end of the Ampel colonial situation, while sharply criticizing the rotten green gel legs. Make sure that your part of the roads is the früheren Wahltermins for Hürden, with Wagenknecht. In my opinion, I am better than I can be, so I see “relativ hohe betträge” now. The financing of the parties is a “geisse herausforderung”.

Another issue is the BSW chief executive, now a program for the Bundestagswahl to establish. The part of the program is to create a plan, but all parts of the programs “in a long process” will be implemented in the future.

However, the party is not part of the BSW nor abgeschlossen. In Bayern, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern it is not a land alliance. Your Gründung is voor de kommenden Wochen-planten, als een BSW-Sprecherin gegenüber der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

A Wahl program has never been so good, but in the Gründung the Bundes-Sahra Wagenknecht has ended up in a certain Themenfeldern positioning: There is a Wirtschafts- and Friedenspolitik, social justice and migration. In addition to the fact that the BSW has the Außen- und Friedenspolitik which is a Nein zur Stationierung of the US-Raketen in Germany, the Ko-Vorstende Amira Mohamed Ali is covered in the ZDF-Morgenmagazin.

My core themes can make the BSW relations during the Wahlen in the year 2024. The parties in the EU Parliament in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg were very valuable jewels. I am aware of the Landtags of the BSW, the Ukrainian politics of the Bundesregierung and other fried political parties in the Middle East.

BSW-Wahlprogramm lies nor nicht vor

Parteichefin Wagenknecht spoke out about the Lieferung von Waffen en Kiew aus. Damit became the Federal Republic in the Krieg, which argued.

While BSW the Western Sanctions against Russia will inform the Angriffs in Ukraine in February 2022 – Energie and Rohstoffe from Russia will halve the German Wirtschaft, in the Wachstumsschwäche zu überwinden. Since the war has been established, the party has set up diplomatic negotiations.

The political knowledge is the basis of the BSW of the Left Konservatismus zgeordnet. So make sure that the party in economics and social policy has a legal right to the state of affairs and receives disinterested criticism. On the other side of the page, Parteichefin Wagenknecht is still concerned with the migration limits and the hearts of the people who separate.

In cultural fragments, a sexual minority, views the conservative positions of BSW. The BSW Group in the Bundestag promotes the right of self-determination to increase the safety of healthcare and make its name more visible.
Das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht is a small party,

der Zugang zu aer Mitgliedschaft wird control
. It is one of the functions of a Wagenknecht name that is so wollt: “Wir wollen langeam and control wachsen, um das Project nicht zu gefährden”, it ended up on the BSW homepage.

The Leipziger Politikwissenschaftler Hendrik Träger testifies of BSW chef Wagenknecht and a “zentralisiertes Verstandnis von Parteiarbeit”. Once things are different, the main flow will come from the air flow in the state. These have a great deal of autonomy.

The project has been strongly developed by Wagenknecht. “That is not the case in the German Party Country,” said Träger.

The personalization hat follows, with the involvement of the BSW-Führung auf the conversations about a single Teilnahme and the Landesregierungen in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg. In Dresden, Anfang November separated the Sondierungspräche, which BSW festhielt one of its desired Friedensformel in the Präambel eines Koalitionsvertrages.

Split between Kompromiss and Opposition

Things are different in Thuringia and Brandenburg. Negotiations on a “Brombeer-Koalition” with CDU and SPD in Erfurt continue, improving the position of the Thuringian BSW chief Katja Wolf and the Bundesvorsitzenden Wagenknecht. In Potsdam, BSW and SPD bishers are busy discussing one of the most common regimes.

Political knowledge is important for the BSW in the current Bundestagswahlkampf zugute, now one of the two national associations of the national government since: “Besides three coalitions, the BSW has a clear compromise on the national government and the fundamental position on the federal government ssen.”

The BSW could start by asking whether the new goal has been achieved in the Bundestag, so activate the switch. Anyone who is often a new party is a genaue previous schwierig. Bei der Wahl zum EU-Parlament am 9. June 2024 konnte das BSW 6,17 Prozent der Stimmen gewinnen.
Also the Landtagswahlen in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg were affected by the BSW. In Saxony this is 11.8 Prozent der Stimmen, in Thuringia 15.8 Prozent and in Brandenburg 13.5 Prozent. In the three countries the party is divided into 66 Abgeordneten.
Roads of the BSW Abgeordneten in the Bundestag and the Vertretern in the three countries that have the BSW in the Bundeswahl-gesetzes of the establishment Parteien. It may be that the Bundestagswahl is concerned with the publication of the articles on its contents.

There are only a few chances for the Federal Sahra Wagenknecht after the Bundestagswahl to perform duties. Zumindest hat nor any other Partei öffentlich eine Koalition been sucked into erwägung.

BSW-Ko-Vorsitzende Amira Mohamed Ali will be in a Regierungsbeteiligung ihrer Partei after the 23. February 2025 before he was away from: “If you know the Möglichkeit in einer Regierung ergibt, then since we would be happy with it”, see you soon ” ZDF-Morgenmagazin”.

Fundamental opposition like Politikstil

Once it is like that, then politics is a big change, i.e. the evil Left politics. Einfach zu sutzen, had probably not clapped for a year and caused great concern in the Bevölkerung habe – “we were not able to make progress”. Dann was better, the opposition pressed for direction.

“I don’t think so, that Sahra Wagenknecht will, that Ihr Bündnis as a result of the future, especially as a principal,” said the Leipziger Politikwissenschaftler Hendrik Träger: “Classic lines are not over-written alopposition ausgerichten Political style. ”
