
Raus aus dem Bürgergeld: Michelle aus Görlitz will buy

Raus aus dem Bürgergeld: Michelle aus Görlitz will buy

In der Ausbildung kundigt

If you have started an overview of your Krankenpflegehelferin in the Realschulabschluss 2016 and it is celebrated after a year, then the direction is no longer so focused. Danach thought Michelle was a new appearance and especially for Altenpflegerin. Damit, so glaubte sie, hatte sie genau das Richtige für sich foundationen: “The work has my right Spaß gemacht.”

A bigger war for the shock, which is still under investigation in 2018, is likely to be carried out. There may be a problem if this is not the case. It is not the case that debts arise. “It was a super friendliness and we had our good understanding,” he said. When the Kündigung begins, the experience after the Geburt is the first time in your life. Then you can look at an Ausbildungsstelle or a Job again.

Jahrelang nur Absagen

“I have 25 bis 30 Bewerbungen geschrieben. Aber habe immer Absagen bekommen”, erzählt sie. If only one person is not flexible in the Augen der Beitgeber. “I was happy in my care and also in the Verkauf or der auf Putzstellen. Alles kan ich versucht.”

All you have to do is change the hamburger money
– So who knows Michelle is all inerziehenden. At the job center in Saxony there is an amount of 190,000 Bürgergeldbeziehern in erwerbsfähigen Alter of an amount of 25,800 allinerziehende women or men.
– This is an Anteil of beef 14 Prozent.
– 30.6 Prozent aller Allerziehenden in Sachsen bezogen 2023 Bürgergeld.

Quelle: Arbeitsagentur

Michelle: “Will not live longer than State”

If the Job Center of the training with Christoph Scholze anbot, said Michelle sofort zu. After a few years the end of the battle will be: “My fate is with my head. When it was okay, I was glad to see it in time for my daughter and I was happy with my future. alt. I will earn my own money and no longer live from my state.”

Sein Training Christoph Scholze started with the Thema Träumen. “Je älter wir zijn, desto more verlernen wir, zu träumen”, said er.

Wir brauchen aber Träume, from our Träumen Wünsche, from Wünschen Bedürfnisse and from Bedürfnissen Ziele zu machen.

Christoph Scholze

Michelle said she made a profit because, she said, “If you are a man more intensive with your traffic, wishes and souls, then you are clear, you are a man and you are not willing to do it,” he said. “The war for my gold was as good as it gets.”

Hilfe near Bewerbungen

I sweat the part of the training where students and their children with the Schreiben von Bewerbungen and Lebensläufen and the customers at the presentation meetings.

Zum Beispiel hat Christoph Scholze op een Veranstaltung seine Klienten verschiedenen Personalchefs vorgestellt en zu übungszwecken in de vorellenlassen. “That was a special moment for me,” says Scholze and Michelle, “we had conversations that we had, who we were waiting for.”