
So Teenies fell into the Jugendarrest

So Teenies fell into the Jugendarrest

In the course of both years, the jewels in Saxony-Anhalt are longer than 200 Jugendarreste against 14- to 21-year fullstreckt.

Magdeburg – Schulschwänzen, Körperverletzung, Diebstähle: In the past two years since Saxony-Anhalt more if 200 Jugendarreste gegen 14- to 21-Jährige be fullystreckt.

Jährlich wandered through Saxony-Anhalt über 200 Teenager in the Jugendarrest.

Jährlich wandered through Saxony-Anhalt über 200 Teenager in the Jugendarrest. © Bernd Wüstneck/dpa

2022 gab es 220 Judgment, 2023 then mit 214 fast genauso fell, wie aus einem Bericht zum Jugendarrestvollzug in Saxony-Anhalt revorgeht.

Der Jugendarrest is a short soul of freedom for young people and minor punishments in law. There would be a problem if a warning or caution did not last longer, a legal penalty without any limitation is that he has his statement.

The Jugendarrestanstalt für Saxony-Anhalt with insgesamt 17 arrests are found in Halle on the streets of the prisoners. There is a bookstore and a Freizeitraum that cause a debt burden.

Saxony-Anhalt's air is getting sauber!
Saxony-Anhalt’s air is getting sauber!

Die 14- to 21-Jährigen come for four weeks in the arrest, they are the last since arrest for two weeks. It may be that there is a Wochenendaufenthalte, der sogenannte Freizeitarrest.

Juvenile arrest in Saxony-Anhalt: Viele “Insassen” and “Wiederholungstäter”

Juvenile arrest would be hanged if a warning no longer rules out.

Juvenile arrest would be hanged if a warning no longer rules out. © Swen Pförtner/dpa

I am Schnitt who is young Leute bei Antritt ihrer Strafe 17,8 Jahre alt. More than 80 percent were in prison during the year, 18.7 percent of persons in arrest were unknown, whoever tells the report.

If the arrest of the youth and the war are rejected, the responsibility for your stories becomes transmissible and significant consequences for your artistic lives.

Je nach bedarf was questioned, the social competence of the youth to improve, especially in their respect, such and debt.

Stromausfälle in Saxony-Anhalt longer than in Bundes-Schnitt
Stromausfälle in Saxony-Anhalt longer than in Bundes-Schnitt

Etliche Jugendliche land op Wiederholt in Arrest. 2022 was the latest message 32 persons, 2023 genau 22. Im vergangen Jahr muststen sogar ünf Menschen jeweils drei Arreste verbüßen.