
Hollywood: Deutsche zwischen de US-Stars sofort auf

Hollywood: Deutsche zwischen de US-Stars sofort auf

Vorgeschmack at the Oscars with a big star: many prominent guests have won the Vergabe of the Ehren Oscars in Hollywood. Stars like Nicole Kidman, Sharon Stone, Kate Winslet, Willem Dafoe, Daniel Craig, Kevin Costner and Tom Hanks are sweet in the rotten Teppich.

Angelina Jolie in the role of Sohnes Knox Jolie-Pitt, combs Jennifer Lopez in an elegant pearl dress. The German Schauspielerin Leonie Benesch (33, “Das Lehrerzimmer”), dies in the new thriller “5 September” a Hauptrolle, who plays schulterfrei in a gold-colored Abendkleid.

“Das Lehrerzimmer” – Star Leonie Benesch in “5 September” see

The Governor’s Awards were presented in June by the Film Academy. You’ll find yourself hanging out with music mogul Quincy Jones for two weeks.

There is another film music (“In the Hitze of the Night”, “Die Farbe Lila”) composed, Spielfilme on the Leinwand presented and TV-Serie mitentwickelt. The 1982 production was Michael Jackson’s hit album “Thriller”.

War for an Oscar: Rapperin Yung Miami.

War for an Oscar: Rapperin Yung Miami.

Enjoy the legendary casting director Juliet Taylor, the direction of Nora Ephron, Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg and play the film with “Der Stadtneurotiker”, “Taxi Driver”, “Schlaflos in Seattle” and “Schindlers Liste” together .

The national Drehbuchautor Richard Curtis (‘Vier Hochzeiten und ein Todesfall’, ‘Notting Hill’, ‘Bridget Jones – Schokolade zum Frühstück’) has experienced his social engagement with Jean-Hersholt-Preis.

Look under all the stars: the German Schauspielerin Leonie Benesch.

Look among all US-Stars: the German Schauspielerin Leonie Benesch.

The American film production of Barbara Broccoli and his colleague Michael G. Wilson, who started the production of James-Bond film production, was awarded the “Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award”.

The award is for the production of products that demonstrate “consistently high quality”. Broccoli is the first woman with that Auszeichnung. War 2018 with Kathleen Kennedy’s “Star Wars” production, the first Empfängerin des Thalberg Awards.

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There is a “riesengroße Ehre”, Kennedy followed, Barbara Broccoli said in an interview before the Gala. „I am courteous, that my wife is not followed.”

For this trophäen it is a small lawtbewerb, which belongs to the advocate of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, such as persons who have followed part of the film and gesellschaft study. The Governors Awards Gala started on 15. Mal statt. (dpa)