
Polizei nimmt mutmaßlichen Drogenhändler in Mitte fest

Polizei nimmt mutmaßlichen Drogenhändler in Mitte fest

The Police has festgenommen a mutmaßlichen Drogenhändler in a club in Berlin-Mitte. Be sure that the Mann has a different setting on the Kopf-verletzt, wie the police mitterteilte. Bisherigen Recognizing that there is an unanswered demand for the Security Service of the Clubs at the age of 29, we will have made the Drogen sales. Daraufhin habe der Türsteher den Mann zum Verlassen aufgefordert. If you don’t want more, you can use a different setting. It is a matter of 29 years of kopverletzung. Outpatient care is provided.

Ruined Polizisten by the Verletzten Mann. You may need more money, more medications and money to spend. Also, if you wish to have a safe living environment, drying, bar money and care are safe. Gegen on our roads Trade with Betäubungsmitteln and Inverkehrbringens verschreibungspflichtiger Arzneimittel as well as Körperverletzung theremittelt. Der 29-Jährige erstattetete Anzeige roads Körperverletzung gegen den Türsteher.

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