
Protect your finances so that Krise abwenden finances

Protect your finances so that Krise abwenden finances

The St. Joseph’s Hospital in Cloppenburg has developed financial problems and a protective system. Dumbbell of 860 Mitarbeiter cannot be used.

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Cloppenburg – The St. Joseph’s Hospital in Cloppenburg supports the most patients in Germany with financial advice. Now that the community GmbH at the Cloppenburg District Court has established an approach to ensuring a safe functioning of the environment, which Hospital-Geschäftsführer Andreas Krone am Montag is able to provide. Im Rahmen die Verfahrens wolle man das Krankenhaus nachhaltig sanieren en voor de Zukunft wirtschaftlich solid aufstellen. At the end of January there was a plan with great efforts, one of those plans would become a reality.

When you do your work, it is not possible to use machines. Eines wurde aber versichert: Gehaltskürzungen müssen die rund 860 Mitarbeiter nicht befürchten. When patient care is arranged, outpatient care is provided to the health insurer that does not provide medical assistance. Das Krankenhaus places all treatments on an unchanged fortress. Auch die Neubaumaßnahme sei nicht in Gefahr.

No problem

“Der Schutzschirm is the mildest form of insolvency, in its own right, there is no danger, but it is not yet complete,” said Rechtsanwalt Stefan Denkhaus von der Kanzlei BRL, the trial in Cloppenburg started with that. If you want all the investigations to be done while doing it like this, then there is a chance that the fortress will come from St. Joseph’s Hospitals. The remediation plan for the summer and March/April was included in a summary in mid-February. If you are positive, an insolvency has been lifted. What’s more: during the restrukturierungsplan, the responsibility of the clinic can take a long time before you can imagine.

“Wir brauchen alle”

“The protection system is the starting point, so that our external activities can be stabilised, which is also important in our role as a positive health care provider in the region,” says Ulrich Pelster, Head of the Schwester-Euthymia-Stiftung, who is the Klinikverbund das St. Josef’s Hospital. There is no concrete anymore, there is no view of the fight against Christmas money in Raum Stehe. The Belegschaft Wurde am Montag über das Schutzschirmverfahren informiert. “We had followed all these articles and were given positive results,” said Josef Hanneken vom Vorstand der Mitarbeitervertretung. If the content is sichert, it may be better not to see fragments of your eyes in the following time. The debts and debts were overcome in the following three months by the agent’s insolvency fund for the arbitration. From February onwards from Krankenhaus.

Carsten Bickschlag