
Spending matinee at E-Werk in Tegernsee

Spending matinee at E-Werk in Tegernsee

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Spending matinee at E-Werk in Tegernsee
Feierliche Übergabe der Schecks: (from left) Katharina Schulz-Schlotter (Lions Club), Hans Knabe, Janaa Schlick (Kinderschutzbund), Ursel Lange (Lions Club), Stefan Razeghi, Stefan Lorenzl, Michael Schmirl (Lions Club), Josef Bogner and Hildegard Bayerschmidt ( Lion Club). © Elvira Födisch

The Lions Clubs Gmund Oberland visited the Krankenhaus Agatharied, the Child Protection Association Miesbach, the Oberland Hospiz Bad Wiessee and the Knochenmarkkosten in Bavaria.

Tegernsee – In 2003, Lions Club Gmund Oberland was founded as one of the three Lions Clubs in the Miesbach district. There is the best choice of 27 active Mitgliedern. Soziales Engagement, the start of a world-oriented Zivilgesellschaft, is the foundation of the Youth in the Landkreis Miesbach and the Triebfederne of the Lions Clubs Oberland.

Lions Club Gmund Oberland: Spend a matinee in alten E-Werk in Tegernsee

Your spending matinee will be held on Sunday (November 10) at the old E-Werk in Tegernsee. Special thanks to Manfred Pfeiler, chef of the E-Werkes, who has created a Raum here with a stellte Verfügung. “Gemeinsam Gutes tun!” is the motto of Lions Club Gmund Oberland. The chairman of the Lions Clubs Gmund, Oberland Sabine Ganswindt, said in his e-initial speech that the Lions Club weltweit projects with high personal involvement.

In the Miesbach district, the Krankenhaus Agatharied, the Child Protection Association Miesbach, the Oberland Hospiz in Bad Wiessee and the Knochenmarkspendende Bavaria are insured with covered expenses. Stefan Lorenzl, Leader of the Palliativstation, was appointed as representative for the Kreiskrankenhaus Agatharied.

A prize of 3,000 euros is paid for one of the painting works that the Lions Clubs pay for. Those who have the disease of Pflegekräfte, a schwerkranke Patients in the Innenhof of the Krankenhauses who are on the move, damn those who could have an Aufenthalt and the fresh air-genießen.

The expenditure of the Miesbach Child Protection Association is invested in a teaching project

The Miesbach child protection agency has dropped the Lions Club and spent the money on a “Lespatenprojekt”. “The image of the corona crisis is grim,” said Stefan Razegi, representative of the Kinderschutzbundes fest. It is very important that the children’s bill of investing is helped by the fresh children’s bill. Weiterhin were spent on the beratung eingesetzt. Look at the Bedarf in the years that followed. It is a fact that Hilfe in Hilfs- und Notsituationen can be geistet.

Der Vorsitzende des Hospiz Oberland, Josef Bogner, verglich in seine Ansprache das “brennerd Engagement mit dem brennerden Sekt” de es zur Begrüßung der Guest gab. September 2018 is the Verein Hospiz Oberland. Thanks to the many expenses, including at the Lions Club Oberland, the Rohbau des nieuw entstehenden Hospiz in Bad Wiessee was able to become a Hebauf-Feier.

The Lions Club supports the Bau desneustehenden Hospizes in Bad Wiessee

Hans Knabe, Arzt in Bereich Stammzellentransplantation in Klinikum Großhadern, erläuterte de wieschaftlichen Fortschritt in de vergangenen 30 Jahren beim Finden des appropriate Spenders. 900,000 different branded men are issued, which are gold plated, if the man finds the right spender who is allowed. “He is a figure of his own and man without having to build a Pole.

A value of 40 million is spent, but you will receive higher typization costs. This is the reason why you spend money on the next date,” read more Knabl. I can sing Annemarie Hagn’s music with Akkordeon and guitar drone. Abschließend eröffnete Enjoy the buffet and enjoy your meal together. Elvira Födisch

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