
Gewessler at COP29: Unternehmen sollen Klimawende mitfinanzieren

Gewessler recalled in his three-minute long speech in the plenum of the conference centers in the Hauptstadt Aserbaidschans, that since the day the Hitzerekord was broken, Gewessler remembered. “It is soon possible that the cousin of the Verheerenden Auswirkungen der Klimakrise will be affected.” It is wise to maintain state support in Österreich. Die Verhandlungen in Baku würden daher in “Zeiten äußerster Dringlichkeit” stattfinden.

The production of energy and the storage of fossil fuels – raw materials that are produced for a year at the COP in Dubai – must now be given a new purpose. “Große Verpflichtungen sind nur then historic, wenn sie auch ein Contenten zijn”, says Gewessler in ihrer auf English contents Speech.

All Länder must become the Gewessler in the year that a “new and strong” national Climate Change (so-called NDCs) is introduced, which will come to Einklang with the 1.5-Grad-Soul.

The active years with the EU Climate Walking Service Copernicus started almost the first years when they became warmer over time for more than 1.5 years in the industrial middle war. Damit became a hot year after the start of the messages. De 2015 vereinbarte Pariser 1,5-Grad-Ziel zur Eindämmung der Klimakrise gilt damit aber nicht als hebehlt, dafür auf longerfristige Durchnittswerte dangeret.

The center of the climate conference in Aserbaidschan is the climate finance. When Gewessler begins his Rede-davon, it is a pleasant Mittel-brauche, an all-natural maßnahmen auch umzusetzen. Other environmental influences require extreme conditions for transformation and environmental impact.

If you are aware of the fact that you, so Gewessler, the beginning of the processing begins before you continue the years. “Our discussions here are a starting point for a great deal of walking, which is the main reason for hiking, was traditionally considered an international climbing finance policy.”

The Reason of the Ministers and the Minister in the Plenum, the three minutes in which the regulations no longer last, use the Vorfeld tradition of the lone delegation and the COP-Vorsitz transition. They are subject to sharp criticism in the hospitality industry as well as in the handling process.

Gewessler in his Rede fehlende Inclusie in Baku, a critical, the niece in the transcribed version of the war, which brings the APA into Erfahrung konnte. “Deshalb is so intoxicated that this COP is not that inclusive, no matter who he is.” Protests by NGOs and human rights organizations are possible in Aserbaidschan. Ausschließlich in een part van de COP-geländes, welches für de Zeit der Konferenz als UNO-Territorium gilded, gibt is limitierte Möglichkeiten, Protest zu äusernern. Singing the hand or the waiter is no longer possible. Greenpeace has found another alternative to gemeinsames. (APA/red)