
Tyrolean Gunter Mayr with Finance Minister

Tyrolean Gunter Mayr with Finance Minister


Gunter Mayr’s bishish section has become a new Minister of Finance. Am Mittwoch became the Tyrolean for the Amt angelobt, teilten Bundeskanzleramt and Präsidentschaftskanzlei in written Aussendungen mit. Mayr succeeded Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) as EU Commissioner after Brüssel.

In 1972 in Innsbruck a lawyer and an economics was born in 2012 in the Finance Ministry, Steuerpolitik and Steuerrecht section. May we soon appoint a new Federal Government Minister.

Rücktritt Brunners am Dienstag

Laut Mitteilung reichte Brunner am Dienstag offiziell seinen Rücktritt ein, “um sich auf die new Aufgabe vorzubereiten”. Bundeskanzler and ÖVP chief Karl Nehammer nominate Mayr as Nachfolger: “I am very happy, if I have met the right person, I would be happy and happy with a good job.” The new Ressort Chef is a long-term financial expert, so Nehammer. Thanks were given for the Bereitschaft, dieses Amt in der nächsten Zeit zu übernehmen.

Van der Bellen führt Angelobung durch

Mayr then thanked Kanzler “for his efforts” and the war “the great responsibility that was felt by the Office of the Finance Ministers was a whole”. The appointment is no longer personal, but is “an exclusion of the Vertrauens in the expertise of the most reichische Verwaltung and Beamtenschaft”. Angelobt met Mayr van Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, der sich zjetzt von a Bandscheiben-Operation erholte.

The Termin am Mittwoch at 9:00 am is the first open Auftritt Van der Bellens after the Vertretung by Nehammer. After the Anglo-Saxon president has reached the status of the initiated Regierungsverhandlungen of ÖVP, SPÖ and NEOS messages.

The new minister studied in Innsbruck in 2003 and worked in the Finance Ministry. In the position of the benefactor as professor of Financial Law at the University of Wien there is a karenziert. Mayr is inherited and has suffered two weeks.

Brunner wishes Nachfolger “alles Gute”

Brunner’s divorces have sought out Nehammer for his “engagierte work” over the past three years: “There is a division between the beige slow ones, the Austrian region through the reforms of the last year of life and the existence of these people, without a common understanding of structural reforms.” who die Abschaffung der kalten Progression umgesetzt.”

Brunner said that in the job of the Finance Ministers he could be a “third worst man in the Republic”. There is concrete that has affected the progress of progress as a result. “Both those and many other projects went together very well with Gunter Mayr and learned as absolute financial experts,” says Brunner. Seinem Nachfolger is “alles Gute für seine neue Aufgabe”.