
Wettinger wollen Nachbarn zur Kasse bitten

Wettinger wollen Nachbarn zur Kasse bitten

Kritik an Steuererhöhung wegen Oberstufenzentrum – Einwohner fordern Beteiligung der Nachbargemeinden

Neuenhof und Würenlos schicken Schüler nach Wettingen und de Bezirksschule, don’t wait directly to the investment costs of the bovine 80 Millionen Francs teuren Schulzentrums bei. Make sure you use the Wettingern for the state of affairs. Nun responds to the Gemeinde.

The Oberstufenzentrum has been built on the Zirkuswiese (brown Fläche).

The Oberstufenzentrum has been built on the Zirkuswiese (brown Fläche).

Image: Sandra Ardizzone (2023)

If the following year by the Wettinger Gemeinderat the Steuerfuss on 98 Prozent anheben. The 2025 budget proposal will go through the one-living rat Mitte Oktober grünes Licht. Am 24. November now has the Stimmbevölkerung das letzte Wort. A third process is underway in the financing of 80 million francs geschätzten Oberstufenzentrums-flies. Days are right for you, who can also read more reading briefs again.

If the tax authorities are a Vorfinanzierung – then there is a ausgeglichene Rechnung – never again inheritance could be purchased and the Mehrertrag that could not be used for the used Oberstufenzentrum would receive a lot of criticism, if it is Würenlos and Neuenhof, then Schüler de Bezirksschule in Wettingen is not immediately confronted with investment costs. In a short letter that went over the hinges, the Würenloser and the General Assembly in December über a Steuerfussenkung von 99 op 97 Prozent abstimmen können (das BTberichtete).

Now that the Municipality has viewed the website with a stellungnahme: If you make a direct investment and can no longer afford the construction costs, the subsequent payments will precede the debt investment investments. This cantonal arrangement is settled and in the new debt sentencing festivities will take place on July 1, 2024 in Kraft agreement. Darin became final, the costs for student and student debt would end up outside the beige area. The anlage costs – including investment costs and capital costs – are included in the investment of the eligible debt funds.

“Einfach ausgedrückt: Die Gemeinden, deren Schülerinnen und Schüler in Wettingen die Schule besuchen, beteiligen sich nach Fertigstellung des Baus über die Abschreibungsdauer von 35 Jahren and de Erstellungkosten”, writes the Gemeinde. It is wise to keep an eye on the debt, because the Bezirksschule goes further. This Tatsache is “in the financing plan – from the one-living rat until the meeting on October 16.

The financing of this situation, while the gemeinde objectbundled more own resources and has an older debtor. Direct involvement in the financing of the financing is not possible and there are no consequences for its consequences.

Auch Neuenhof will be Steuern erhöhen – at 117 Prozent

Bereits Anfang dieses years hat der Gemeinderat Fragen von GLP-Einwohnerrat Orun Palit zu diesem Thema answered (das BT messageete). Since the Interpellationsantwort was reformed, the school year 2022/23 insgesamt 591 Schülerinnen und Schüler die Bezirksschule in Wettingen besucht hatten, davon 339 from the Dorf, 159 from Würenlos and 89 from Neuenhof.

The Debts for external Schülerinnen and Schüler wurden auf dieses Schuljahr hin bereits erhöht. I am Schuljahr 2022/23 involved in Schulgeld for Kopf 5891 Franken, for the operation at 6247 Franken. The Gemeindrat hatte in signaler Antwort damals geschätzt, that the Nachbargemeinden with the Schulgelden jährlich rund 2.3 Millionen Francs to the Erstellungkosten paid. This estimate is subject to the damals, nor a new judgment of guilt, which is in the kraft paper.

The Steuererhöhung would not have come to the Nachbargeeinden, schrieb der Gemeinderat, da Wettingen bis 2040 ohnehin umfangreiche Investitionen in the Schulraum tätigen müsse. The master plan is calculated with the cost of 200 million francs, while the Oberstufenzentrum is used as the best variant. Neuenhof and Würenlos have to wait a long time with higher debts and costs incurred. If you have a Steuerfusserhöhung-führen, “müssen de afflicted Gemeinden self-turneilen”, so der Gemeinderat. If they are both aware of: Während Neuenhof 2025 on a Steuererhöhung (from 112 to 117 Prozent) dry, Würenlos de Steuerfuss could become bare.