
The original idea is another Blumentöpfe weiterzunutzen

The original idea is another Blumentöpfe weiterzunutzen

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Alte Blumentöpfe cannot be found in the Abfall. If these Upcycling applications are used in the garden slope.

It is one of the most common phenomena for gardening: the example of gebrauchten plasticblumentöpfen, the new pflanzen in the Heim and the garden that were there, häufen sich. If you have land in Zweck, land in Gelben Sack. If you have a plastic waste processing company, you can probably no longer use the Töpfe in the garden. With these Upcycling tips you can not only save more money, but also look at your plans for Schädlingen and Kalte-schützen.

Create a creative upcycling idea for other blumentöpfe

The original idea is another Blumentöpfe weiterzunutzen
Gebrauchte Blumentöpfe weld themselves as Insektenhotel, Tomaten-Stütze or Wurzelsperre wiederverwerten. © Zoonar/Imago

The Gartner Channel GrowVeg on YouTube hat Ideas, who is the best from the blumentöpfen herausholen kann:

  • Insect hotel: Fill your own Pflanztopf with natural, trockenen Materialien with high Stängeln, zum Beispiel Schilfstücke, with trockneten Blättern, Stroh, Moos, Stöckchen and Rinde. Please note that everything with the Topfrand abschließt and not herausragt. Platzieren Sie das Insektenhotel fest in einem Strauch. I can best enjoy the seasons, overwinter and enjoy the schädlinge bekämpfen in the spring.
  • Ohrenkneifer-Falle: Ohrwürmer since nützlich, können aber auch junior Triebe und Blütenblätter anknabbern. You can fill it with fernzuhalten, lock it in a top filler filled with straw and see it again.
  • Protection for Jungle Flanzen: Entfernen Sie den Boden der Töpfe. So there is a small Pflanzenkragen for Jungpflanzen – outside the hilarious zu Beginn der Saison, wenn es noch etwas kühl ist. There was said to be a problem with the planning and it was printed in the Erde. Das schützt vor kühlem Wind, Ohrwürmern, Asseln und in Maßen sogar vor Schnecken.

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  • Tomato stütze: Large bodied tops can be reused as their own tomato stütze. Man sets himself on the Boden and looks forward to the jungle. So the Tomato can anchor into the stem bones and its intestines. If the water is turned off and more water and moisture is added – the wash water will heat up better.
  • Save money: Für große Kübel braucht man fell Erde, who fell cradles and Kostenverursacht. If you can increase the price of money or experience, this person can be reduced, resulting in a smaller price paid in the larger sett. When this happens, the water is automatically removed from the water.
  • Werkzeughalter: Töpfe sind auch practical care products for small items with Gartenscheren, Labels, Stifte or Schnüre. There is a way to plan well and make the thing work if you put your mind to it.
  • Wurzelsperre: Fast waiting Pflanzen wie Minze können mit Töpfen in Schach contentn were: Einfach de Pflanze in an alten Topf (or Eimer) setzen and die so in the Erde ragt, that is now the Edge from the Erde ragt. It is therefore difficult to prevent the Wurzeln from expanding in the soil.

Was passion with their geese Gartenabfall?

Not a single Pflanztopf has found a new treat. clarification: “All leather packaging, which is never on paper, paper, cardboard or glass, is stored in the gel barrel or gel bag” – it is gold-plated for the manufactured plastic packaging. Die aus Ton heard in kleineen Mengen in den Restmüll, in large Mengen am besten auf de Wertstoffhof. Dorthin brings a man from the best Gartengeräte with Rechen, Schubkarren or Schaufeln who are great Pflanzgefäße and Blumenkästen from Kunststoff and Metall, so that they can never land in Sperrmüll. Other blumenerde müssen If you no longer dispose of, it is less important for the last Pflanzperiod often weeder aufbeeiten.