
Ausgabe 11/2024: Eight Fragen and …

Ausgabe 11/2024: Eight Fragen and …

Interview: personal Image: zVg

Herr Loepfe-Brügger, with any arguments about your cousin for Appenzeller Alpenbitter?

The Appenzeller Alpenbitter is more like “now” a Bitter – it is in perfect harmony with each other. In the year 2022, the Appenzeller Alpenbitter was won at Meininger’s International Spirits Award ISW with the Auszeichnung «Kräuterlikör des Jahres» kürt. Aussehen, Aroma, Harmonie im Geschmack, Gesamteindruck: Bei sämtlichen Beurteilungskriterien erhielt der Appenzeller Alpenbitter Bestnoten. The jury celebrated the party: “The full, fresh and aromatic band of the Alpine crater comes together here and comes to the schmackhaftest Medizin, the man can dance.” During this period of the Appenzeller Alpenbitter, three international acts won the Gold Medal: the World Spirits Award 2024, the Frankfurt International Trophy 2024 and the Women’s International Trophy 2024.

Is the Appenzeller Alpen bitters secret answer to clever marketing?

The secret recipe is not a marketing gag, but another component of the Marke Appenzeller Alpenbitter. In that day we are still with our family in the secret of a lifetime. The original has been bare for 125 years and has a home in a vault of the Appenzeller Kantonalbank. The result is that the Gründerväter is the basis for the Appenzeller Alpenbitter and that it works very well.

The Appenzeller Alpenbitter is a natural product – Kräuter is central. In 1935 the stand sogar «ärztlich empfohlen» was on the Etikette. Welche Rolle plays der Gesundheitsaspekt heute noch, and do those 42 “Wonder-chrütli” come from the Appenzellerland?

Our traditional products are made from scratch as well as healthy products. The «A» in the Schriftzug «Appenzeller Alpenbitter» does not apply to the «A» in the Pharmacies logo. Bitter dust all works as an appetite suppressant and appetite suppressant and will be removed from stomach problems and vomiting. We are the largest Enzianbrenner in Switzerland. The Wurzel from the Gelben Enzians is a larger component of the Appenzeller Alpine bitters. This Wurzel has a high temperature and bitter substances and is used in medical treatment. Schon der berühmte Pfarrer Kneipp empfahl die Enzianwurzel für die Behandlung von Verdauungsschwierigkeiten. Leader shall have the right to the lawful use of the Zusatz «mandatory empfohlen» nicht meer op de labelte-schreiben. The Appenzeller Alpenbitter is taken from nature. However, it is possible to see our family members from Appenzell and the surrounding area, including Beispiel Zitronenmelisse, Lavender and Pfefferminze. Other tribes from Southern Europe, Central and South America in Asia, zum Beispiel Orangenschappen and Sternanis. So that’s fine for 125 years.

A slice from the 1960s is a portrait-stolen appenzeller with typical hut and landgemeinde dough to see. Is it possible to beat the Appenzell Alpine bitters?

Unser Familienunternehmen ist verwurzelt in Appenzell. Der Stolze Landsgemeinde-Mann im Logo visualizes the narrow connection between Appenzellerland. This Verbindung is offered with Verantwortung and Respekt. Das Erscheinungsbild radiates Gemütlichkeit, Genuss and Freude. Draining in the Appenzeller Alpenbitter from Jung and Alt. Our most important Absatzmarkt is Switzerland.

Die Geschichte des Appenzeller Alpenbitters reicht 125 Jahre zurück. What about traditional products from Appenzeller Kulturgut? Was it a bad idea to visit the Marke und Region?

The visit to the Appenzeller Alpenbitter and the Appenzellerland is gegenseitig. It is a Geben en Nehmen. The brauchtum and the tradition of the Appenzell countries are a larger component without Mark. Tradition and culture are a guarantee of inheritance – ​​davon is my soul. If a man is not white, if a man comes, a man cannot erase, if a man does not know. Appenzell is a Marke, which was created with the interests of the real and Ursprüngliche in Verbindung. If you don’t have cramps at the Alten festival, you can experience our traditions and sin of the new. Appenzell Steht für Qualität. As a working community in the smallest Canton of Switzerland, the Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG provides four-sided work. There are many long-term and ornamented versions from Appenzell and casing, those with Stolz
in unserem Familienbetrieb labor. Die
Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG is here committed and tries to offer this beautiful Flecken Erde and its care.

The Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG is a family business. Is it a prelude to a night in the international environment?

If you want to know what it is, you can choose from: kurze Entscheidungswege, hohe Identifikation der Inhaber and der Mitarbeitenden mit dem
Unternehmen usw. Various functions and possibilities for family entrepreneurs are all Vertrauen and Sympathien.

What is the sin of Ihrem Unternehmen Innovation and Nachhaltigkeit?

Wir pflegen de Brenntradition and empty gleichzeitig Wert auf Innovation – and since the Puls der Zeit. So I have found a product GIN 27 with a variation: The Gin 27 SOUL OF WOOD is the Premium Dry Gin for everything, which is more intensive as possible. The Combination no longer gets off the ground. With the «SOUL OF WOOD» variant you can combine a herkömmlichen GIN 27 with one of the most typical Eastern products: Tannenschösslingen (Tannentriebe). The War of Inspiration, a fruitful Gin for local people to acquire. Tannenschösslinge from the company’s own Wald von Hand were selected for the GIN 27 SOUL OF WOOD. The pure Geschmack des Waldes unites itself in GIN 27 SOUL OF WOOD with the Sorgfalt and the Hingabe der Appenzeller Brennmeister. Beiten with them, what nature gives us.

We speak in private family life and enjoy nature. Go to the «Ankeltauglichkeit». Our thoughts and our actions are not oriented towards the Quartalsabschluss, but towards a long-term view. A quarter hasn’t lasted a month for a month – about 25 years. If all goes well, then another life has emerged, and more generations have been left behind. If it is no longer so, then it is true that I am a thing. Our children, gross and children’s skin are one of the few things we can say: our children have built their power and their independence with greater insight and enormous commitment. So who is my generation in my life, Gross- und Urgrossväter sagt.

How do you see the major reform orders?

We see special reforms in the marketing and communication activities for spiritual development of the political restrictions in Switzerland. Dies im Gegensatz zu Wein und Beer, davon bisher has been changed since. The major players can use the Werbung van de Schweizer Vorschrifts, which contain the most information, when trading on international markets and national borders. If you no longer do spiritual work, this is an absolutely obscure industry. It is possible to strengthen the rules in the sin of legal protection. Before this background information about the stronger markings and the Innovationskraft in Zukunft, this no longer became the case.

Uber Pascal Loepfe-Brügger

From October 2020, Pascal Loepfe-Brügger will be Geschäftsführer des Appenzeller Traditionsunternehmens. If it takes 50 years, it will take a while for the Aktionärs family to be in charge. The 45-year-old Betriebsökonom and Urenkel des Firmengründers Beat Kölbener have had the task as Geschäftsführer of Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG, among others at Red Bull (Schweiz) AG and at Coop in the Bereichen Verkauf, Marketing and Communication Equipment. It is said that the Brennhandwerk is pfleged with a coarser Sorgfalt. The Family Nunternehmen is at the Pulse of Time, so etwa met Neuheiten wie the GIN 27 and the GIN 27 SOUL OF HOUT. Meilensteine ​​​​in recent years were the Auszeichnungen «Kräuterlikör des Jahres 2022» for the Appenzeller Alpenbitter, «Best Spirituose der Welt» for the Apéritif Abbacella Orange, fünf Goldmedaillen am World-Spirits Award 2023, the Classification as «First-Class Distillery 2023», der dritte Platz for the Familiebetrieb during the Prix SVC Ostschweiz 2022 and the Eröffnung of the new Betriebsrundgangs «Kräuterwelt». The «Kräuterwelt» combined with gelungen Art and Weise Wissensvermittlung around the 42 Kräuter and the Appenzeller Brenntradition with Experience, Spannung and Unterhaltung.

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