
Das 16. HSMA Hotelcamp feierte eerolgreich seine Premiere im Norden

Das 16. HSMA Hotelcamp feierte eerolgreich seine Premiere im Norden

In November he traveled to 130 hotels in Deutschland at the Atlantic Hotel Galopprennbahn in Bremen, a community of Wissen, his network works and other things he learned.

Digitization in the Vertrieb, Künstliche Intelligenz als active Unterstützung in Betriebsalltag, the Herausforderungen bei der Weiterentwicklung van dem Nachwuchs also the akute Fachkräftmangel in the Hotellerie billdeten under other dieses Year the menschwerpunkte. The Veranstalter HSMA Deutschland eV and the realization of progress schufen met der 16. The launch of the barcamps in the Folge is one of the innovative platforms for innovation and wisdom in the German catering industry.

When setting up and creatively creating atmospheric discussions about the most current trends, technological developments and best practices, which pass the torch. In addition to the themes that implement a conflict culture, business operations in the industry are expanded, a mutmacher session for the hotel industry, the relevance of loyalty programs or more extensive non-profit organizations. were motivated were File of the Sessions.

Zeèv Rosenberg, President of HSMA Deutschland eV, has the Bedeutung Solcher Zusammenkünfte in Rahmen more innovative Veranstaltungsformate: “It is one of the most inspiring hoteliers, experts and service leaders who together come up with a solution for the recovery of the care they have built up at knüpfen wir regularly with these Ergebnisse verganger Barcmaps and.”

Another highlight of the events is the progress of the trade associations. The #YoungRockstars Initiative, while the years of the HSMA Deutschland eV have begun, is the mittlerweile file of the transfer of the tires. Thanks to the sponsorship, there are talented talents who are free of charge at Hotelcamping, where the experts can call on a good network. Young talents have been in the Vorfeld for 30 years for the teilnahme zu bewerben – for all study, study, study and guidance activities in the hotel industry.
“Our mission here is to start motivated talent for the hotel industry and integrate it into our network. The hotel camp can set up the ideal Rahmen here, the man who starts here on the augenhöhe through the best atmosphere can create a create a good atmosphere,” says Anna Heuer, Verbandsgeschäftsführerin der HSMA Deutschland eV

Das HSMA Hotelcamp has been open since 2008. File of establishments Events innerhalb der Branche. Due to the Barcamp format, which has the form of inhalation and removal of the contents, it is possible to use the form of the output form. The Veranstalter HSMA Deutschland eV and the Netzwerkunternehmen Realizing Progress were able to find a number of new ways to increase the relevance and belief in the formats in those years.