
Zwölf Jahre danach: Start for the last Teilstück der Eferdinger Umfahrung

Zwölf Jahre danach: Start for the last Teilstück der Eferdinger Umfahrung

For a long time, the Anrainer in Pupping and Karling (Gemeinde Hartkirchen) was on the Weiterbau of the written Abschnitts der Eferdinger Umfahrung equipment. This war is so good: with the official spatenstich that the Straßenbauprojekt started, a German traffic charge for the population in both ortszentren has been introduced. With a construction cost of 48 million euros, the cost savings is an impetus for the regional construction industry.

“Gerade in herausfordernden Zeiten ist the Project a wichtiges Signal, wir setzen fell Money for a functioning infrastructure”, says Landeshauptmann Thomas Stelzer (VP). Infrastruktur-Landesrat Günther Steinkellner (FP) concreted, the citizens over the years, Lärm and Emissionen directly in their living areas profitable würden and the Verkehrssicherheit became better.

Gefährliches Nadelöhr

The narrower Durchfahrten was vom Schwerverkehr entlastet, under the Ortschaft Karling ist a Nadelöhr, dort müssen Lkw bei Gegenverkehr auf de Gehsteig ausweichen, was dortlich zu beobachten.

The Umfahrung with the Ausbau of the B130 Nibelungenstraße and the B131 Aschacher Straße has a length of 4.6 kilometers. You can go directly to the diversion and connect to the Aschacher Straße from the residential area of ​​Hartkirchen in the Betriebsbaugebiet-verlager. If the expected forecast comes from Brandstätter Straße, the Eferding Zentrum führt continues.

Start carrying out the construction work. The most striking Flussquerung is the Aschachbrücke in Hartkirchen with a length of 100 meters and a Bogenhöhe of 15 meters. “Then the Bauverkehr can follow the Bautrasse abseits of the best roads,” says Christian Dick, Abteilungsleiter Straßenneubau en -erhaltung.

The Baufertigstellung was planted before July 2027. Gebaut was also two kilometers on the road. Research is being conducted on nature and art protection machines with amphibious protection and library protection.

Long Schichte

The construction of the Entlastungsstraßen in Eferding has a long history. After many years of discussion on the roads of the diverse agricultural communities in the Eferdinger Becken, 2012 started with the first Abschnitt der Eferdinger Umfahrung. The summer of 2016 for sales was free. With Unterschriftaktionen and Transparencies in their living areas than Anrainer, Bürgerinitiativen and Lokalpolitiker für de Weiterbau der Umfahrung. Diese Lücke is nun geschlossen.


Michaela Krenn-Aichinger

Local editor in Wels

Michaela Krenn-Aichinger

Michaela Krenn-Aichinger


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