
SEK-News – Online-Zeitung für den Schwalm-Eder-Kreis

SEK-News – Online-Zeitung für den Schwalm-Eder-Kreis

Fritzlar. The Hospital of the Holy Spirit informs patients about osteoarthritis and the treatment of lung diseases and explains their consequences. The clinical practice has undergone two weeks of medical treatment, another medical theme on the machine. So there are two miseries on the end of the hospital. Interested and influenced customers about the theme Arthrosis – Treatment of joint pain – in the new cafeteria information.

SEK-News – Online-Zeitung für den Schwalm-Eder-Kreis

There was great interest at the Patient Symposium on the topic of Arthrosis – Treatment of Gelenkverschleiß. The Hospital zum Heiligen Geist sah in seiner Veranstaltung einen fullen Erfolg. Photo: NN | Hospital zum Heiligen Geist

The recovery of quality of life

Arthrosis is the well-known highest Gelenkerk ranking, which is especially evident in the fortified stadium of Schmerzen and the functional buses of the Gelenke Führt. In the study by the Robert Koch Institutes it was reported that arthrosis is common in people with poor quality of life; in persons aged 65 years, half of women (48.1%) and half of men (31.2%) are affected.

People were hit hard, they said, at the Patient Symposium in the Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, as über 130 Besucher daran teilnahmen. The orthopedists Dr. Klaus Röde and Dr. Christian Gäck were about the conservative Angebot at Arthrose and erklärten, while a doctor or nurse carried out a medical treatment, while the surgical techniques in the hospital would take a long time and who would maintain the quality of life ellt could be.

For the new generations, the Vorträge was of great strength, but still unerkannt as Fortbildung. Photo: NN | Hospital zum Heiligen Geist

Auch für niedergelassene Ärzte and medizinisches Fachpersonal were the Vorträge von größtem Wert, since still offziell as Fortbildung anerkannt. Photo: NN | Hospital zum Heiligen Geist

Medizinische Fachvorträge

In these two weeks, the hospital was transformed into a meeting for the elderly patients, who were in their homes, with their own clinics.

Four surgical and gastroenterological treatments on the topic of knee arthroscopy (mirror), the treatment of tumor diagnosis and treatment of visceral surgery and gastroenterology and aortic aneurysm surgery with the care of patient care by the patient Dr. Christian Gäck, Dr. Andreas Greger, Dr. Nahid Abu Taheh and Michael Klotz.

Erasing the demand for the needs of the company, on the state of affairs, and at the Landesärztekammer Hessen, as official Weiterbildung with Fortbildungspunkten-angeldet. The general Fortbildungsverpflichtung der Ärzte sieht vor, dats these regular and Fortbildungsveranstaltungen toilnehmen. Neben der Weiterbildung der Ärzte serve een solches Treffen dem personlichen Austausch and kommt dem Patients zugute.

Rahmenprogramma and Ausblick

Christoph Brand with the flying Köchen, Giorgia Karolyi – Lido Fritzlar, Gesundheit im Hof, Sanitätshaus Thiel, Lymphnetz Mitteldeutschland and Johnson & Johnson Medical were involved with one of the Veranstaltung.

In 2025, the hospital factory in Heiligen Geest, the Türen zu öffnen and a Blick hinter die Kulissen zu geben. A day of the crime in February might die. Here another interesting interest could arise from the Ärzte geben.

(Hospital zum Heiligen Geist | red)