
Tomorrow: 9 Gewohnheiten since not so good who you think

Tomorrow: 9 Gewohnheiten since not so good who you think

Jeder Mensch started differently with Tag. If the energy comes from the mittagspause at the nullpointt, the best way to do it is to think about it routinely tomorrow – many thoughts will not be so good.

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We have an ideal morning routine based on the geese Tag über fuller Energy and Tatendrang fühlt, kann sich glücklich schätzen.

Were you slow, tired or stressed, so that you have good results and possibly other things. Denn Manches, was healthy tomorrow, is in Wirklichkeit or counterproductive.

Im Video: 5 Routinen am Morgen since super.

1. Tomorrow directly with the Bett jump

The Wecker rings and you jump sofort aus dem Bett – at the first View on a gooder and energy reicher Start in the Tag zu sein.

Dr. Catherine Jackson, a qualified psychologist and neurotherapeutic doctor, is working on the Portal ‘Bustle’, which does not put a lot of stress on the body and can cause anxiety.

If you are even one step further, with your head through the Wall you have, you can take a moment of time. Lege dich hi, wache langam or meditière and bereite dich so af de kommenden Tag vor.

2. Let it rest on the “Snooze” pressures

The fact is that it is so that you can get the taste of the Weckers in the drucken and thus fall into the Schlaf. Denn dies Nickerchen hat Auswirkungen auf das Gehirn.

“That’s a lie, that’s a happy job in 75 to 90 minutes,” said the psychotherapist Dr. Lin Anderson. “In one night, you will be able to survive three times with fun.” If the ‘Schlummern’ option is displayed, a new schlafzy job is created, which is then abruptly aborted by the Wecker for a minute, while it may happen that the next schlafträgheit continues: Man fühlt sich den Rest des Tages träge.

3. The first click is useful

Is the first thing you can do when you use the apps on your smartphone to scroll? Not a good idea. “Often, getting the messages right, emails and updates, can allay stress and anxiety and be worth dealing with in an unrequited manner,” says Dr. Kristamarie Collman.

“If you look at the statistics in a few minutes, the morning will come when you can call on another company that has the first beds in mind,” he said.

Small rituals involving a spazier walk, meditation, music or a bag that can be performed tomorrow can help people and do some of the following.

4. Drink a Glass of Saft tomorrow? Not a good idea

Fruits can be one of the healthy fruits. Were you to be spared? Formation is always a matter of course, so it may be different.

“The problem is safe, it ensures fast all phases and the ballast materials from the fruits are lost”, explains Marissa Szabo, zertifizierte Gesundheitstrainerin.

“Ballast helps you when the Zuckers come out of the fruit of the desire cooperation, so it is not dramatic that the Blutzuckerspiegel is used.”

Ganze Früchte is also in Ordnung. If the ballast and the phase of the Zucker the Blutzuckerspiegel disappear faster, it is no longer as good. This is the last time you will have in your life.

5. A long, heiße Dusche

“Heiße Duschen is exciting and can help to improve brand unity. Even if it is in the air,” said Dr. Thanu Jey, leader of the Yorkville Sports Medicine Clinic. “The gilded part of the trockene Haut, the height of the water verschlimmert de Zustand noch.

But that is not one of the only grounds for a cool Dusche. Moreover, the results can strengthen the Entrance Response and the Heilung desire together.

And: A calm Dusche awakens müde Geister.

6. That’s fruitful welding

It is important that you remove the plug from the socket. If all goes well, you can add some frühstücken or just add a little something, that’s completely in order.

There is no good idea, if the frühstück comes out of the welds, now it is one of the things you can do. If you want, fasten in Körper. Then it is important that you take care of your care with Nährstoffen.

“Eine Mahlzeit auszulassen, there is no good praxis,” says Dr. Jackson. “Dein Gehirn braucht Treibstoff, um den Tag zu begin.

7. Zuviele Kohlenhydrate essen

Beim Frühstück solltest du auch nicht zu sehr auf traditional Lebensmittel wie Müsli, Toast or the Bagels zurückgreifen. Dein Körper braucht black Kohlenhydrate. If you are planning to make a blutzuckerabfall fuhren, this can be a blutzuckerabfall fuhren.

“Different snacks, a protein-rich frühstück with egg or a smoothie with snacks and eat it together with your meal,” says Dr. Collman.

If you use the Kohlenhydrate the most, describe the complex Kohlenhydrate with Haferflocken. These contain the same protein and ballast material. This Combination longs for the Verdauung and the fuehlst dich longer satt and zfrieden.

8. Deine To Do-List abarbeiten

Of course it is sensible, but nachzudenken, was in the Laufe des Tages, and it was great to see. If this is not the case, then the man is very tired in the morning – for all, when the stress defeats.

“Then the Tag starts to understand, to start and to start,” says Anderson. “Nimm dir ook Zeit, bevor du zur Arbeit gehst.” A fast morning program can cause stress and start part of the time in the Tag ermöglichen.

9. Nur wach moist Kaffee?

“There is a coffee that is in the Ordnung,” says Dr. Rob Danoff. “If you experience the Kaffee feeling, your energy will fill up, if you get a shock, it will become a teufelskreis of the mudigkeit-führen.”

If you press a label on the head, one of the cattle you encounter will be a zeichen for Schlafmangel.